Minister Dimitri Shashkin Awarded 38 Winners of the Literary Contest “Alubloba”

The minister conferred the personal computers and diplomas to the finalists of the literary contest “Alubloba”; Additionally, I, II and III place holders received one-time cash prizes.

About 700 young people from Georgia took part in the contest, among them 4 are –juvenile convicts and 6- reside outside Georgia (Canada, Belgium, Russia, Saingilo).

State Ministry on the Diaspora Issues awarded those students who are the citizens of Georgia but live outside the border of the country.

 The contestants also received the prizes from various publishing houses.

“Alubloba” is a literary contest held annually, young people (15 to 22 year- old) are eligible to participate in the contest; this contest was founded by the NGO “New Art” in 2005.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science (in 2009, the ministry allocated 29 250 GEL for the prizes and publication of the almanacs.)

The essays of the contestants are posted on the web- site: