საქართველოს განათლების, მეცნიერების, კულტურისა და სპორტის სამინისტროს გადაწყვეტილებით, კორონავირუსის გავრცელების პრევენციის მიზნით, ქვეყანაში შექმნილი ვითარების გათვალისწინებითა და ბენეფიციართა ინტერესებიდან გამომდინარე, „კულტურის ხელშეწყობის პროგრამის“ ფარგლებში გამოცხადებულ კონკურსებზე, განაცხადების მიღების დასრულების ვადად განისაზღვრა 2020 წლის 1 ივნისის 18:00 საათი; ხოლო კონკურსების ფარგლებში გამარჯვებული პროექტების დაწყების თარიღად - 2020 წლის 15 ივლისი.
With the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and organized by the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism, the webinar "Strategies for Restoring the Tourism Sector in the Post-Covid 19 Era" was held.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, in cooperation with the National Commission of UNESCO, offers individuals to submit their project applications for funding under the UNESCO 2020-2021 Participation Program.
Owing to the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Tengiz Gachechiladze – an honored sports journalist of Georgia, was awarded with the highest award in the field of sports - the Knight of Sports.
Founded by the Council of Europe, the Association - Compendium of Cultural Policies & Trends has published a report on the cultural events offered online by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia.
The establishment of the first European high school and university in the Caucasus, was the key achievement and an invaluable contribution to the advancement of our country. Along with the great scientific and educational significance, this event has become a crucial step towards Georgia's independence and it still largely determines our aspiration for further development.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli participated in an online ministerial organized by UNESCO, that addressed 206 representatives from 132 countries and introduced them to the steps taken by the Georgian government to provide access to cultural services for those left at home.
Due to the state of emergency declared across the country to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, new deadlines for the registration of first-graders for the 2020-2021 academic year have been set, taking into account the interests of first graders and their parents.
GLOBE – an international environmental scientific-educational program will be introduced in Georgia. In order to officially open the program, a memorandum of understanding was signed online on April 22, on the International Earth Day, between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia and CENN - Caucasus Environmental Non-Governmental Network. The memorandum was signed by Minister, Mikheil Chkhenkeli and CENN Executive Director - Nana Janashia.
The European Mathematical Olympiad for Girls (EGMO 2020), which was held in an online mode this year due to the global pandemic, has officially ended. In addition to the EU countries, other countries participate in the Olympiad every year. This year, 204 top students from 52 countries were involved in the competition. Georgian team was amongst the participating squad, consisting of four girls, who are the students of the Komarov School of Physics and Mathematics.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia expresses condolences over the death of Rezo Esadze, a great Georgian film director, screenwriter, actor and artist. A special sympathy extends to the friends and family of Mr. Esadze.
Dear countrymen, I heartily congratulate you on the upcoming Easter holidays, the biggest among the Christian holidays! This glorious day represents the most essential component in our faith - that life always wins over death, good always wins over evil.
April 18 marks the International Day of Monuments and Sites. This day was established in 1984 by the decision of UNESCO and ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and is celebrated all over the world. The goal of this day is to raise public awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage.
UNESCO Director-General, Audrey Azoulay sent an official letter to the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli, thanking him for his participation and speech at the UNESCO online ministerial on March 30.
Publishers offer non-Georgian language school students and teachers free access to the electronic versions of the graded textbooks: