Teachers, administrative and technical staff of Tbilisi Public School No.144 have already passed the mandatory testing for Covid infection for the fifth consecutive time.
As a result of the tests conducted so far, no cases of infection have been reported at the school, which is the direct result of maximum observance of hygienic rules in the general education institutions across the country. It should be noted that all schools are provided with the disinfectant solutions and equipment needed to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 virus.
Compulsory testing, fully provided by the state, is conducted at schools every two weeks for the preventive measures. The goal of the Ministry is to ensure that children can complete the semester safely in a school learning environment. This is precisely why; the Ministry once again urges the public to strictly follow the rules and guidelines established by the Ministry of Health and WHO.
In case the virus is detected, schools will act in accordance with the protocol established by the Ministry of Health. If necessary, individual classes or the school as a whole are switched to distance learning for a certain period of time.