In order to strengthen instruction of the English language, English language cabinets will be opened in the schools of Georgia. Schoolchildren will be taught English by Georgian and native English-speaking teachers. The cabinets will be equipped with English language teaching materials, visual, and audio resources.
The Ministry of Education and Science signed a memorandum of cooperation with Mercy Corps International to provide supplementary materials for the new English language cabinets.
During a charity event, Mercy Corps International presented 12,000 books to the Ministry. The books are designed for schoolchildren of any age. The supplementary materials will be distributed to each public school in Georgia.
As Koka Sepherteladze stated: "Strengthening the teaching of English language is one of the top priorities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. Such supplementary materials are necessary for effective instruction. I would like to thank Mercy Corps for providing us with these supplementary materials in the framework of the signed memorandum."