The representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia attended a Nodar Dumbadze play – “Helados” which was presented by the public school N200. The play was organized, within the scope of having an open day at the school. Furthermore, the play constituted towards getting acquainted with the principles of working with the SEN students.
There are 90 SEN students studying at Tbilisi public school N200. Out of 90 students, only two students are being home schooled. In fact, 60 adolescent students are being provided with a 24/7 service, whereas 28 adolescents are using the day service of the school. Additionally, it is important to mention that the school has two stages, and it fully adapted to the needs of SEN students, in conjunction with being provided with the medical, therapeutic and educational services on the premises. Moreover, they are always engaged in a variety of activities, which are always conducted based on their interests.