The Minister of Education and Science, Dimitri Shashkini visited the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and awarded with the certificates the public school Guards, who were trained at the Academy. The first flow of the Guards passed the two-week training courses. The Minister wished them the success.
The future Guards developed the practical skills, took the psychological and theoretical courses during the two weeks.
The Guards will enter Tbilisi ten pilot schools from April 15. The group, formed with two men and one woman will maintain the order, prevent crime and conflicts and provide the schoolchildren with any kind of help.
The responsibility of the Guards is to care for the security of the children. They have no right of punishment. The school Guards will be located in the rooms, equipped with the informational technologies. They will observe the outward and the internal perimeter through the cameras, set up throughout the whole school. They will be equipped with the uniforms and the modern communicational technologies. The Guard is obliged to evaluate the conflict and ask the school principle for the reaction, if it is necessary. If the situation is strained, the Guards can inform parents and the Ministry of Education and Science. In the extreme case, they have the right to call the police.
The goal of the new initiative of the Ministry is to ensure the safety of the children during the educational process.