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Minister Attended the New Year Celebration Event at Algeti Public School №2 in Marneuli Municipality
Three Rehabilitated Schools were opened in Gori
Minister Dimitri Shashkin Awarded 38 Winners of the Literary Contest “Alubloba”
Minister Met the Public School Principals

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The Minister Dimitri Shashkin Met the Teachers of Akhaltsikhe District
The Minister of Education and Science held a meeting with up to 70 teachers of Akhaltsikhe public schools in public school №1 in Akhaltsikhe. Within the scope of the introductory meeting, the minister informed the teachers about the future plans. Dimitri Shashkin also got familiar with the problems existing in ... ...>>>
The Teachers and Administrative Staff of the Educational Institutions to Receive the Health Insurance Vouchers
Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkin visited village of Akhalkalaki public school in Kaspi District and conferred the health insurance vouchers to the teachers and administrative staff of this school. ...>>>
Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkin held a Briefing
The public schools teachers, administrative staff and the teachers of the other educational institutions will be provided with the health insurance vouchers. The insurance vouchers will be distributed in the public schools and the teachers and the administrative staff will select the insurance companies of their choice.

The Newly Appointed Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkin Visited Tbilisi Public School №24 under the Scope of the Introductory Meetings in Schools
The Minister Dimitri Shashkin visited public school №24, familiarized with the infrastructure of the school and held a meeting with the teachers and the students. ...>>>
How does National School Olympiad effect on learning process at school?
It has a positive effect
It has a negative effect
It does not matter
   2114 Votes
Awarding the high school students the gold and silver medals:
Is necessary, because it encourages the students
It may cause malpractices in learning process
It is not important
   2332 Votes
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It was difficult
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