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Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has started consultations with the potential authors of the basic level (VII-IX grade) school textbooks regarding the textbook compliance issues, the textbook scheme, in conjunction with  having the opportunity to get acquainted with the news implemented in the national curriculum platform, listen to the important information, ask questions and get answers from the leading specialists.


Attention! The amendment has been made (Order N395, 25.04.2018) within the timeframes of the textbook/ series approval procedure, in particular:

  • The deadline for submitting the decision on approval - no later than May 31, 2018 (instead of 7 May).

For the coded deadlines regarding the textbook/series registration and other timeframes, please click this button.


Attention! The amendment has been made (Order N332, 04.04.2018) within the timeframes of the textbook/ series approval procedure, in particular:

  • Content / technical review / public discussion (including review / reference to recommendations / references / authentication testing) will be completed no later than April 22, 2018 (instead of 1 April);
  • The deadline for submitting the decision on approval - no later than May 7, 2018 (instead of April 16).

For the coded deadlines regarding the textbook/series registration and other timeframes, please click this button.


The Base Level of National Curriculum (Project) for the academic year of 2018-2024 was developed.

For those who are interested in approving the school textbooks intended for the students of VII – IX classes are welcome to participate in a public discussion, thus enabling anyone to engage in completion of the final edition.


Certain changes are made to the textbook/series approval rules (order-. ბრძანება N184/ნ, 09.11.2017 წ),

that concern print copies of textbook/series model, obligations to pay approval payment, process of content and technical reviewing, etc.

Consolidated version of  secondary education textbook/series approval rules is available through   

http://mes.gov.ge/s/CJmfX ). 


Attention! The change was made (orderN964, 31.10.2017) in the terms of textbook/series approval, namely:

  • Introduction of textbook/series model-October 23-November 12 (instead of October 23-31. This change does not concern introduction of textbook/series model of music (forms V-VI). In this case the term is December 16-20);
  • Content/technical reviewing/public discussion (including getting acquainted with reviewing/reflection of points/correcting/verification of authenticity) – deadline April 1, 2018  (instead of March 25 );
  • Term for deciding about approval-deadline April 16, 2018 (instead of April 10).

On October 2, 2017 the registration began on I-VI form textbooks/series approval applications.

For the first time in practice, the applications will be registered in online regime, via administering e-system:  www.grifireba.emis.ge. The goal of the project is to provide electronic management system of textbooks and transparency.


On September 30, 2017 at 13:00, a summarizing (final) meeting of the representatives of “Georgian Primary Education Project” (G-PriEd) with potential authors will be held. The students will be able to discuss the issues outlined in the course of the work on the textbook and discuss the issues that are interesting to them and get additional consultation from the specialists.

On September 29, 2017 LEPL - Education Management Information System with participation in the Approval holds training for the interested persons on the issues of use of the electronic system of approval administration.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia together with the Copyright Association offers the publishers and potential authors of the school textbooks an extended consultation meeting on the use of copyright rights in the process of compiling and distribution of the textbook / model. The meeting will be held within the framework of planned approval. Interested candidates are given the opportunity to ask questions, bring specific examples and receive comprehensive answers from the competent specialists of the field.


The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia invites potential authors of the textbooks on additional consultation meeting with regard to the content criteria of reviewing the primary level school textbook / series, which will be carried out according to the subjects.


The change was made (Decree N697, 03.08.2017) in the terms of approval of textbooks/series of V-VI grades of music, namely submission of documents - December 1-7, 2017 (instead of October 2-15); Presentation of models of the textbook / series - December 16-20, 2017 (instead of October 23-31); Completion the technical review (including introduction of review / reveal of  references / correction / verification of authentication) - not later than December 31, 2017 (instead of November 19).


“Content and technical criteria for model reviewing of the primary school textbooks / series of general education” was approved for the purpose of approval of school textbook / series of general education (Decree N621, 14.07.2017).

With the purpose of implementation of a new National Curriculum from 2018-2019, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia announces (Decree N575, 27.06.2010) Approval on primary school textbooks / series of General Education.

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