We would like to respond to the alleged incident occurring around one of the schools in Tbilisi. Some media outlets have been spreading distorted information about the existence of criminal ideology among young people, thus discrediting students and popularizing the criminal world. Such unhealthy and unprofessional information pressure has put a particular student under a complicated psychological state. Please be informed, that other students also experience severe psychological pressure.
We emphasize that one of the main responsibilities of the Ministry of Education and Science is to protect the rights of children and create a healthy and safe environment at schools.
We urge media to be considerate and careful in covering any issues related to adolescents. It is of paramount importance to avoid harming the physical and psychological health young students.
A great deal of attention is paid to creating a healthy and positive environment at general education institutions. Numerous programs are implemented at schools in this regard. It is our duty to develop and convey the right attitude and values to our young adults, in order to shape them as critical, free thinking members of our society.