The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia announces programs of External format, those who wish to tackle general education. The applicants may register from February 17 to February 25, 2016.
Examinations will be held from March 9 to March 25, 2016. Registration is entitled to individuals who meet or exceed age limitation for the external education format and if they have a knowledge of the prior programs at schools.
Adults or a minors wishing to apply are entitled to do so, with a legal representative and relevant documentation for the external format program at the Resource Center.
A) A person who wishes to receive an external education and studies at a school, must submit a statement to the resource center, which is located near the territory of the school;
B) if a person is not studying at school - an application form may be submitted to any of the Resource Centers
A person who successfully completes external format education set by the national curriculum, must successfully pass all the school final exams.
To tackle general education in an external format, an applicant must submit to the resource center the following:
A statement of legal representative of the applicant who wants to tackle general education with the external format, which mentions the following:
External education applicant’s full name and contact information (address, phone number, email);
Semesters/class/classes of which the applicant wants to overcome with the external format
the preferred language, in which the applicant wants to pass the external exam (Georgian, Russian, Azerbaijani, Armenian)
A foreign language/languages, in which the applicant who wants to receive an external exam should pass the exam in.
Subjects from the National Curriculum, which the applicants want to pass with the help of the external education format.
The applicants birth certificate or a copy of the identity documents
General education class/classes/semester wished to be tackled by the external education format. A document proving the person’s general education class/term/program of public education, which precedes the external education class. In case, if an applicant received education abroad, the document is necessary proving it is recognized under a legislation.
The exam for the external form of education is being conducted in a written manner, and is carried out by the school, in which the student is studying or the students wants to continue their studies.
Subjects which are in the 12th grade curriculum (Georgian language and literature, mathematics, history, English, civil defense and security), and wished to be tackled with an external educational format, will be conducted centralized, in an electronic form from March 21 to March 25.