The International Leadership Program award ceremony was held at Hotel Biltmore. Vocational education speciaists from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, were sent to Germany, the University of Magdeburg in order to study vocational education. Within the scope of the program, the specialists had the opportunity to look into the German dual vocational education policy, get acquainted with the teaching methods and curricula creation, in conjunction with using media strategies. Germany is an importer country for the dual vocational education, and it appears to be a matter of interest for many other countries, in terms of the vocational education policy. A growing rate in Economy and the low level of unemployment amongst the youth, is a sign of a successful vocational education policy. Georgia, is the first country in South Caucasus, who introduced the dual vocational education. Consequently, Georgia becomes a matter of interest amongst the neighbouring countries, as it can share the experience when implementing the program. GIZ, the financial backbone of the program, strongly supports the enhancmenet of cooperatin between the countries, as well as the involement of the private sector in the vocational education policy.
There were seven participants involved in the program, who developed transferable projects in Georgia for the vocational education development, in collaboration with the professors at the University of Magdeburg. Amongst the projects are the important issues, such as the development of teachers and principals, evaluation methods, and the implementation of wine-making and tourism dual vocational programs.