For the first time in Georgia, a two-day online international master class was held at the Georgian Technical University, organized by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland), with the aim to promote physics among young people.
The international master class was a good opportunity for young people, based on data obtained from experiments in CERN, to discover the unknown world, to meet scientists who conduct important researches in physics and to get acquainted with like-minded young people from different countries.
Lectures were conducted by the scientists working on various experiments in CERN. After the theoretical course, the master class participants developed the data obtained from the experiment. Then a video conference was organized with the CERN experts, who reviewed the obtained results and compared the results of the participants of other countries.
In parallel with the Georgian Technical University, master classes were held in the following universities: Brookhaven; Prague CTU; Rome Tor Vergata; Dubrovnik; Istanbul-Ozyegin; Split.