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Mikheil Batiashvili, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, together with Irina Abuladze, Deputy Minister and Mariam Jash, Chairman of Education, Science and Culture Committee awarded winners of various contests, and were given memorable diplomas and valuable gifts.


The 2019 European Championship will be held in Batumi on April 6-13. Right to European Championship was obtained by the official application submitted in 2017 at the European Federation Congress.


On January 30, an art incubator was opened at the "Tbilisi Creative Center" in Tbilisi History Museum "Karvasla". Mikheil Giorgadze and Levan Kharatishvili, Deputy Ministers of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, British Ambassador to Georgia - Justin McKenzie, Director of Georgian National Museum Davit Lortkipanidze and BTU - Rector of Business and Technology University Andro Rurua all attended the opening ceremony.


The biggest run organized in the country to date, will be held on May 5, 15:00 in Kakheti, along the Lopota border, along the Caucasus Range.


Within the framework of the Education Reform, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Mikheil Batiashvili, together with the deputy Minister Irina Abuladze, and the Director of the Georgian National Science Foundation – Zviad Gabisonia, introduced the news to the general public.


"In 2019 Georgia will join EURAXESS by the initiative of the European Commission," Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia stated at the presentation at the Ministry.


Mikheil Batiashvili, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia spoke about the importance of having the accessibility to ELSEVIER scientific databases in the field of scientific research, which will increase access to quality knowledge and research.


"The new scientific reviews of Georgian Science is published by Georgian Scientists," - Zviad Gabisonia, General Director of Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation, said at the presentation.


Meeting was held at the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia with students studying in foreign countries and wishing to continue their studies in an authorized higher education institution of Georgia.


On the anniversary of the death of Niko Pirosmani, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia organized the competition of animations - "revived pictures" for students of general educational institutions of Georgia. VII-XII graders who won in different categories participated in the competition.


The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia expresses sorrow over the death of a great Georgian handball player Jemal Tsertsvadze and condoles the family and friends of the deceased. Georgian and World Handball Maestro, Jemal Tsertsvadze, known as "Handball Pale" died at the age of 79.


The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and the Infrastructure Builders Association (ICCA), supported by the German International Cooperation Society (GIZ), hosted the forum "Promoting development of the vocational skills in the construction sector".


One of the major changes within the Education Reform is the creation and implementation of the new system of assessment and evaluation. Works in this direction have been actively underway in the recent months.


On January 28, the National Museum of Georgia hosted a seminar titled "Designing and Management of 21st Century Museums". The event was opened by the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Levan Kharatishvili, together with the Chairman of Education, Science and Culture Committee Mariam Jashi, Italian Ambassador Enrico Bartoli and Director of National Museum David Lortkipanidze.


The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia expresses it’s deep condolences over the death of famous Georgian artist Temur (Temo) Machavariani, laureate of national prize.

Funeral- January 29, 14:00 at the Vera cemetery.

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