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The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili held a meeting with the representatives of leading international technology companies – Hewlett Packard (HP), "Microsoft" and "IBM” on planned reforms in the field of education.
Owing to the financial support of the European Union, within the European Youth Day framework - European Summer Camp 2018 has opened, where 100 young individuals from the Eastern Partnership and EU member States will participate.

Within the scope of the priority educational programs, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport continues to support the funding of students enrolled in the corresponding course in the 2018-2019 academic year.


Mikheil Batiashvili informed the members of the Education, Science and Culture Committee of the Georgian Parliament regarding the reforms planned by the Ministry for the coming future, and emphasized, that its implementation is already underway. Additionally, he stated that the involvement of all stakeholders, including the legislative body is crucial to the entire process.


Mikheil Batiashvili - the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia presented the Educational Training Programs at the government session today, which will facilitate the introduction of young and talented teachers to the education system and, hence enable the development of the general education platform.


Mikheil Batiashvili - the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia presented the issue of grant funding of the graduate and postgraduate students at the government meeting. The new initiative will give talented students the opportunity to receive higher education though state support.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Alexander Tevzadze held a meeting with the representatives of KEK - Inter-University Research Institute Corporation. KEK represents the leading network of major particle physics research organizations, which conducts research in the fields of theoretical particle physics, nuclear physics, material science and many more. The representatives of Georgian Technical University also attended the meeting.

On August 10, at exactly 17:00, U18 European Handball Championship will officially open at Tbilisi Olympic Palace venue, where 11 teams from across the continent will face each other, with the competition launching with a match between the hosts and Finland. The match will start at 17:30. Additionally, the group features Belarus, Italy and Greece, with two winners of the group set to advance to the semifinals.


The European Archery Grand Prix was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, where the Georgian Women’s National Team was held victorious. The national team was composed of the vice world champion Kristine Esabua, and a mother-daughter duo - Khatuna Narimanidze, and Tsiko Putkaradze.

Owing to the decision of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili, a reform group will be created over the course of preparatory education reform, in which various stakeholders will be united.

The review of the draft law on "Physical Education and Sports" has moved to the western regions of Georgia. Ozurgeti, Batumi, Zugdidi and Kutaisi hosted four workshops. Public discussions about the draft law are initiated by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, in cooperation with the Sport and the Committee on Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgian Parliament. Parallel to the discussions on the newly crafted draft law, the "Strategy for Accessibility and Development of Mass Sport" will be discussed as well.



ACES Europe – European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation has granted Batumi a city of Sport status for 2019. Batumi is the first city in Georgia, which applied to the organization. A special commission visited Georgia in July for the inspection purposes. The ACES Europe Commission, headed by the federal President – Francesco Lupatelli, visited several sport facilities during his visit and evaluated the current situation.



The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia continues the funding of Direct Support Educational Programs of 2018/2019 and offers scholarship to students enrolled in the following priority courses: 



The state flag of Georgia has appeared on the official website of European Week of Sport - Georgia is one of the first non-EU countries that joined Europe's most active week of sport.



The 3rd issue of the magazine "School Management" was released. Safe school environment, Inclusive Education, prevention of violence, informal education, featuring a success story of one principal – this is an incomplete list of all the topics available in the magazine. 


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