Minister of Education and Science, Dimitri Shashkini and the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tamar Belkania visited Tbilisi private school “Tsiskari” and attended civil defense and safety lesson. Students of this school will study history of Georgian army, review of Georgian armament, road safety and opportunities of civil defense. School children will also study the first aid.
MES equipped the class room with appropriate technique and illustrations in order to introduce new educational course.
Above mentioned program will be piloted in 15 schools of Rustavi, Mtskheta and Tbilisi at the first stage. Similar class room was opened by the Minister of Education and Science, Dimitri Shashkini and the Minister of Defense, Bacho Akhalaia in Mtskheta Public School №2. According to the analyses of the piloting, civil defense and safety course will be finally developed and introduced as a compulsory subject from the next academic year.
Representatives of the Ministries of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Internal Affairs, Defense, Environment Protection and Natural Resources as well as foreign experts were involved in the development of the new educational program that was initiated by the President of Georgia.
By the announcement of Dimitri Shashkini, knowledge of elementary self-defense skills and teaching the course of civil defense and safety at general educational institutions in the country that faces real danger is very important.