OnJune 10, 2010, Educators and Scientists
Free Trade Union of Georgia, made afalse statement that, allegedly, the
Ministry of Education and Science (MES) ofGeorgia interferes in the
activities of the professional unions. In response,MES declares that
these allegations are manifestly ill-founded and nointerference has
taken place from the side of MES.
Basedon Georgian legislation, a school administration has to have a
teacher’s writtenconsent and contract signed between a school and
professional unions in orderto pay the membership fee. Therefore, any
transaction made without followingthese legal requirements, is
considered as a serious violation of law.
Forthat reason, MES advised schools and professional unions to meet the
law andensure compliance with legal framework of Georgia. All existing
professionalunions, except Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of
Georgia, consideredthis request and followed all relevant legal
procedures. It is unfortunate thatinstead of fulfilling these legal
obligations and requirements, Educators andScientists Free Trade Union
of Georgia spreads absurd and inaccurateinformation and unjustified
accusations towards MES.
Ministryof Education and Science of Georgia reiterates that the rule of
law is afundamental value and main priority for the Government of
Georgia. To thiseffect, MES will take all possible efforts to ensure the
teachers’ rightsand protect their interests.