Within the scope of the complex education reform, remuneration for 2515 teachers will increase.
One of the main tasks of the ongoing vocational education reform is to improve the quality of education. As part of the aformentioned reform, vocational education teachers' hourly salaries were increased to GEL 11 in 2019, and as a result of the current change, the teacher's hourly (basic) salary is set at GEL 15 per hour. This increase will apply from January 2020 to all teachers employed in a public institution (college, university, school) or at the private institution where vocational students are enrolled with state funding. The Ministry believes, this will ensure a more qualified personnel.
Teachers' monthly pay depends on the hourly workload. Their average monthly pay for full load is currently GEL 1300 and with the current growith it will reach GEL 1800.
In recent years, with the involvement of employers, up to 100 vocational education programs have been developed / refined. The new programs promote the provision of competency-based learning and are based on the development of students' practical skills, both in college and in the real work environment.
Vocational education teachers play an important role in the implementation of this approach and it is particularly important to stimulate the involvement of practitioners.
It is noteworthy that in 2019 new modular programs were introduced, which in itself aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning,
Along with the reform, it is a requirerement that the skills of teachers be improved in various ways, having said this, in recent years, teachers have been retrained in pedagogical skills, new approaches to student assessment, and inclusive learning.
Since 2013, the state has allocated more than $ 300 million for the development of vocational education.