In the scope of the President’s project, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Sepherteladze opened another new, modern canteen in the Public School №157.
Public School №157 is located in the Varketili settlement and around 1,400 schoolchildren study there. The school did not have refurbished canteen for several years. By the initiative of the new Principal of the school, entrepreneur Soso Turmanidze refurbished the school canteen and equipped it with the modern devises.
By the order of the Minister, individuals as well as legal entities are able to take on lease for 5 years Public School canteens and provide the area with repair, electricity, water and gas supply (setting the numerator), keeping the sanitary norms, equipping the area with relevant devices, menu with the fresh food and available price. The canteen should be provided with minimum 2 bank terminals (POSS reader). Calculation will be carried out with the credit cards. Parents should be able to transfer the sum on the cards through the internet, cell phone or pay boxes.
Refurbishment of the school canteens is being held in the frame of the Safe School concept. It began in the previous academic year in several pilot schools. Cash is abolished at schools. Developing the credit card system is one of the priorities of the program and is aimed to develop healthy and safe school concept.