The Ministry of
Education and Science of Georgia is announcing a contest for the
position of Head of Resource Center.
The contest is announced in several regions of Georgia. For
detailed information please see the attached file in Georgian language
containing job description for the position.
Salary: 1,030 GEL
Terms of the contest:
The Contest will be conducted in three stages:
I. Selection of submitted documents
II. Testing
III. Job interview
Main Requirements:
Participation is equally available for all candidates complying
with the requirements of Article 25 of “Law on Public Service.”
- Higher Education
- At least 2 years of work
experience in the system of education
- Strong command of Georgian
- High
level of computer proficiency: MS Office programs
(Windows Office: Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint, Internet)
- Age – from 21 up to the retirement
- Communication, negotiation,
conflict management, team working skills
- Skills for carrying out proper
work relations and defending own position on an issue
Knowledge of Normative Acts:
- The Constitution of Georgia
- Law on Public Service
- The General Administrative
Code of Georgia
- Law on General Education
- Law of Georgia on Conflict
of Interests and Corruption in Public Service.
- Labor Code of Georgia
- National Curriculum
approved by Order №36/ნ of March 11, 2011 issued by Minister of Education and Science of
- The Law of Georgia on State
- The Law of Georgia on
Vocational Education
Additional requirements (not obligatory):
- Command of Foreign
languages (English, Russian)
- Office Program “Access”
- Experience in Human
Resource/team management
List of required documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Certificate of Education or
- ID document
All interested candidates are required to register on the
following web-page www.hr.gov.ge
from January 18 to February 5, 2013
Date and place for testing will be posted on the official page
of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia www.mes.gov.ge on February 7, 2013.
For the additional information please contact the Ministry:
52, D. Uznadze Str., Tbilisi;
Tel: 231 89 40
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.