of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia of the year 2013 provides
for considerable increase of teachers’ salaries by 26%-59%. Today, First Deputy
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze held a meeting
with financial managers of all resource centers and gave detailed explanation
on the changes in rules of paying salaries.
The following changes were
introduced to teachers’ salaries in the budget of the year 2013:
- Full time teacher’s salary has
increased (from 245 GEL to 305 GEL)
- The increase has become related to the length of
- Bonus for teaching in combined
classes has increased (from 24.5 to 30.5 GEL)
- Bonus for teaching Georgian
Language and Literature, History and Geography in non-Georgian schools has
- Bonus for class tutors has
increased (from 62.48 to 76.25 GEL)
- Teachers having from 19 to 26
teaching hours shall have a bonus of 5 GEL for every additional hour.
- Certified teachers shall have bonuses only in case if a
primary level teacher has 13 hours per week.
- Certified teachers (except primary level
teachers) with 15-17 hours of classes a week shall receive a bonus of
the end of the meeting, Tamar Sanikidze answered the questions of the
representatives from Resource Centers.