The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Tamar Sanikidze intorudec one of the most important components of the education reform: “Public Private partnership in the vocational education” to the members of the American Chamber of commerce. The event itself was organized by the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Georgia. Furthermore, the conference was opened by the executive director of the American Chamber – Mr. George Walton. During the conference the members of the chamber of commerce were addressed by the Acting Ambassador of the United States in Georgia – Mr. Nicholas Berliner, who spoke about the political and economic issues. Moreover, the event was attended by the Executive Director of the Millennium Challenge Account – Ms. Magda Maghradze, who spoke about the project's overall progress and the implementation of vocational education in Georgia.
Minister Tamar Sanikidze, during her presentation focused on the aspect of having a firm partnership between the employer and the employee, which is an important part of integrating the dual vocational education model into Georgian society. The Minister also spoke about the reform implementation, about its challenges and expected outcomes. Minister Sanikidze expressed her immense gratitude towards the Government and personnel in the educational system and emphasized the importance of the US Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact, which greatly aids the formation of the vocational and higher education industry as a whole.
After the presentation, a discussion was held, which triggered the interest from the representatives of AmCham, and individual meetings were scheduled with the companies to familiarize themselves with the vocational education opportunities and its bonuses.