The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Gia Sharvashidze held a pressconference regarding the activities of an authorized educational institutions. Sharvashidze explained that universities such International Humanitarian University in Odessa, Kiev International University and the Kiev International University Training Center are not listed in the official registry, due to the incompletion of the authorization and registration procedure as required to any higher educational institution.
Based on the Georgian Law "Regarding Higher Education", it is absolutely mandatory for the indemendent entity, as well as a foreign higher education institution to undergo an authorization process. The subject, who is not providing with the qualification certificate or a document, as well as an individual, who is self-employed and carries out educational activity, are exempted from the authorization process.
Having stated these facts, it needs to be mentioned, that based on the Georgian Law, neither universities: International Humanitarian University in Odessa, Kiev International University and the Kiev International University Training Center do not have a higher educational institution status.
Therefore, it is unacceptable to call these organizations universities, due to the above-mentioned reasons.
Finally, it is punishable to issue the authorization document without the official government recognition, and or the usage of the educational institution or the vocational institution’s name without the endoresment, as based on the Georgian Penal Law.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia asks you to check the educational institution before deciding to continue your eduational process. You can call the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement on the following number: Tel: (+995 322) 200 220 (* 3599), to check if the educational institution has the authorization document, issued by the Government of Georgia.