In 2015, an archaeological expedition of the Tbilisi State University found a peculiar inscription on the Grakliani hill, an estimated inscription dates back to the 7th century BCE.
Project of Entrepreneurship learning in Vocational Education is being started by the US Embassy in Georgia.
On October 23, the Georgian National Olympic Reserve Training Center hosted "Open Championship of Olympic Center". The competition was held in seven categories: Free and Greco-Roman Wrestling, Judo, Weightlifting, Athletics, Georgian Wrestling and Archery.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili delivered a speech at the "CERN Cognitive Festival" at the Technical University of Georgia, where the importance of international scientific and educational projects based on scientific and innovative technologies was praised.
ბუენოს აირესში გამართული მესამე ახალგაზრდული ოლიმპიური თამაშებიდან, რომელშიც მსოფლიოს 206 ქვეყნის 4 ათასზე მეტი ათლეტი გამოვიდა საქართველოს დელეგაცია 6 მედლით დაბრუნდა (1 ოქრო, 4 ვერცხლი, 1 ბრინჯაო) და საერთო ჩათვლაში, მედლების ხარისხობრივი მაჩვენებლის გათვალისწინებით, 44-ე ადგილი დაიკავა. დღეს, ოლიმპიურ კომიტეტში ახალგაზრდა სპორტსმენებს შეხვდნენ ოლიმპირი კომიტეტის ხელმძღვანელები და განათლების, მეცნიერების, კულტურისა და სპორტის მინისტრის პირველი მოადგილე მიხეილ გიორგაძე და მოადგილე შალვა გოგოლაძე.
Mikheil Batiashvili - Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia met with German Ambassador to Georgia Hubert Knischr and introduced systematic reforms planned in the education field.
Mikheil Batiashvili - Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia delivered a speech at a traditional informative event at the Erasmus + National Office for Universities, Professors and Students and emphasized that ERASMUM + is an exemplary program for Georgia, which shows the best example of integration into common academic space with Europe.
The third Summer Youth Olympic Games was closed in Buenos Aires, where approximately 206 athletes participated from all around the world.
On October 17, an official event of the establishment of the “International Association of Graduates of Education” was held. The event was attended by the graduates of the International Center for Education in 2018 and the beneficiaries of the various educational scholarship programs of the Center.
Jaba Papinashvili, a member of Georgian Judo Youth Team, won a
bronze medal at Judo in the World Youth Championship held in the Bahamas.
Papinashvili, who wrestled in 60 kg weight category, defeated the bronze medal
in the Turkish Triple Cumult. Jaba Papinashvili held 6 matches in total,
defeating representatives of the United States, Argentina, Azerbaijan and
Romania at the preliminary stage and lost in the semi-finals to the world
champion - Japanese Koga Gnak.
On October 17, At the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (4 Sanapiro street), the presentation of the Classical Music Center - "Concerts of Classical Music in the Alternative Area" was held. First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport - Mikheil Giorgadze, Artistic Director of "Classical Music Center" - Eliso Virsaladze and the center Program Manager - Maia Kokochashvili attended the presentation.
The Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary within the framework of the Council of Europe Sports Ministerial.
Georgia is hosting the Sports Ministerial, which was opened by the Prime Minister of Georgia - Mamuka Bakhtadze.
Memorandum on Cooperation between the Governments of Georgia and the Republic of Moldova was signed by the First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Giorgadze and State Secretary of Youth and Sport of Moldova - Radu Rebeya.