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The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia fully finances and organizes many projects of encouraging talented pupils, including "International Training Olympiads Subprogram", within aframework of which the Ministry provides the preparation of Georgian pupils’ teams for prestigious International Subject Olympiads and then their participation.

Batumi State Maritime Academy is one of the leading universities in Georgia that is equipped with the material-technical base appropriate to the requirements of the International Maritime Organization and diploma of which is internationally recognized.

საქართველოს ვიცე პრემიერი, საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების მინისტრი ალექსანდრე ჯეჯელავა, აჭარის ავტონომიური რესპუბლიკის განათლების, კულტურისა და სპორტის მინისტრთან ინგა შამილიშვილთან ერთად, ბათუმის საგამოცდო ცენტრს ესტუმრა.

In July-September 2017, 1500 pupils will be hosted from Eastern Georgia by several streams (150 pupils in each stream) within the framework of the Summer Camps Project by Eco Camp of boarding school in Salibauri village, Khelvachauri region. The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia together with the Union for Sustainable Development “Ecovision” organizes Salibauri Camp within the framework of the Summer Camps Project of pupils "Let’s rest and learn together".


On July 13-14, the 14th International Conference - "Georgia's European Way" is held in Batumi, which is traditionally organized by the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration since 2007. High-ranking representatives of the EU and Eastern Partnership member states, EU institutions and legislative and executive government of Georgia take part in this conference.


First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Ketevan Natriashvili delivered adaptive equipment to vocational educational institutions to facilitate study and teaching of blind pupils and pupils with impaired vision. The equipment consists of 12 portable video-magnifiers and Braille displays.


By the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the pupils from the different regions of Georgia spend their holidays at Kachreti Vocational College “Aisi” and simultaneously learn various professions.

Within the frameworks of the visit of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Aleksandre Jejelava to Austria, an important meeting was held with the world famous scientist, president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Professor Anton Zeilinger.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia conducts the Creaton to reveal the best creative ideas for development of children’s cognitive animated series. Within the frameworks of the competition, the participants will compete in two directions during 8 hours:

Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava held several important meetings within the frameworks of the two-day working visit in Vienna, together with the Ambassador of Georgia to Austria - Konstantine Zaldastanishvili, he also met President of the Austrian Science Fund, Klement Tockner and other representatives of the Fund.
Qualifying contest starts for bilingual assistant teachers for the young people from the ethnic minorities.
A new vocational educational institution will be built in Zestafoni Municipality, with the purpose to support to filling and employment of professional staff of the construction industry.
Students of the higher educational institutions are allowed to apply to mobility and to move to other higher education institutions twice a year. For this a student shall get registered on the electronic portal - www.students.eqe.ge.
The Conference of International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) was ended in Vienna, where about 400 universities from 75 countries, including approximately 30 Georgian state and private higher educational institutions took part. The conference was a unique opportunity for our universities to present their international potential, and the contacts that have been established with foreign universities, will contribute to implementation of joint educational programs, increase the number of exchange programs and provide issuance of dual diplomas for graduates.

Within the framework of the International Conference of University Presidents of Vienna, the solemn reception – Georgian evening was held at the Hofburg Palace, where the conference participants, the representatives of the Georgian and Austrian governments were invited. The dance group of the Georgian National University danced the Georgian national dances at the event to present the Georgian culture.

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