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Akaki Tsereteli State University renewed the composition of the Rectors Council, and held their first meeting, which was opened by the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava. The leaders of the public and private higher educational institutions were attending the council.


According to the order №888 of the director of LEPL National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, a special card-form and questionnaire was formed, in conjunction with determining the submission deadlines for the applicants willing to participate in the Teacher s Training program 2016. It is important to note, that the documents must be submitted directly to the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.


Owing to the initiative of Interbusiness Academy, in order to further discuss the vocational education and its development towards the Law direction, the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the representatives of the educational institutions and specialists of the field.


In order for the system to function properly, and be accessible to the entire country, the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the leaders of resource centers, who are the regional educational entities.


Within the scope of Georgian-German Scientific Bridge, a modern experimental physics SMARTLABS (SMART | Lab) will open at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.


Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a presentation of DIMTEGU project, which entails the creation of multilingual teacher training programs and its introduction to the Georgian and Ukrainian universities. Within the project framework, a conference – “Multilingual Education – Challenges and Perspectives” was held.


The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the Ambassador of Moldova (who resides in Baku) – George Leukas. The introductory meeting was held today, at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.


Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosts the 17th International Congress of European Lexicography, which involves a total of 150 delegates from 40 countries.


The meetings with the representatives of the educational sector is continuing across Georgia. This time, Aleksandre Jejelava, held two meetings in the Kvemo Kartli region, where he met with a total of 500 teachers from Boinisi, Dminisi and Marneuli Municipalities.


The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Lia Gigauri, within the scope of working visit in the UK, met with the participants of Buckswood summer school.


Cadets at the David the Builder National Defense Academy have celebrated their course completion and participated in the official inaugural event. The Ministry of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava congratulated cadets with their achievements and awarded them with the special certificates.


Within the context of a signed memorandum, the UK University of Nottingham and Nottingham College, will receive Georgian students, who won the English language competition, for summer school programs. The Georgian students will enhance and develop their English language skills and will be involved in various intellectual or sport activities.


In parallel with the implementation of modern technologies and standards in the educational system, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, is developing a new operating model for increasing the teacher’s qualification and enhancing their general image, which includes an active participation of teachers and education experts themselves.


A founding treaty was signed today between the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Jülich Research Center in regards to the opening the first, so-called Smart Labs (SMART | EDM Lab), under the 7th joint Georgian-German school seminar framework.


The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia paid a business visit to the Imereti region.

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