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The Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, the Head of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development, Gia Mamulashvili, the Mayor of Kutaisi, nd Giorgi Tevdoradze attended a teacher training in Kutaisi Public school №1.
The Minister of Education and Science, Dimitri Shashkini, held a meeting with 200 teachers of physical education in the Teacher’s House and introduced them to new developments in the exam program for physical education.
A Presentation of the popular bilingual scientific journal “TSU Science“ was held at Tbilisi State University. The event was attended by the Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, TSU Rector, Alexander Kvitashvili, members of Parliament, and scientists.

The National Center for Teacher Professional Development is organizing training for teachers of the English language in Great Britain. From January 21 to February 3, 17 teachers from different regions of Georgia will take intensive training course at New College Nottingham.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has started developing a long-term working plan for the next 5 years. Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini held a working meeting with the members of the working plan committee.
Two hundred thousand schoolchildren of Georgias general education institutions are currently participating in the National School Olympiad of 2011-2012. Schoolchildren are now taking the second tour of the Olympiad.
Seven twelfth graders of Tbilisi Inclusive School #202 will take a two-weeks intensive English language program at New College Nottingham in Great Britain. This opportunity was given to them by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini visited Tbilisi Komarov School of Physics and Mathematic. Minister congratulated schoolchildren on the beginning of the new semester and observed the newly rehabilitated hostel.
The Minister, Dimitri Shashkini and chess grandmaster, Garry Kasparov, signed a cooperation agreement that envisages popularization of the Chess among the youngsters. Before the signing ceremony, the Minister and the former world chess champion played a friendly chess game.
The special committee was created to elaborate exam programs for the teachers of music, fine and applied art. The committee meeting was attended by the Minister, Dimitri Shashkini and the Minister of Culture, Nika Rurua.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini held a meeting with representatives from Russian media and human rights organizations. Minister shared with them the information about the reforms that are currently being implemented in the fields of education and science. Guests also had an opportunity to visit new Teacher’s House.
The President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili and the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini opened a newly constructed school in the village of Nokalakevi. Up to 300 schoolchildren will be able to study in the new school which is supplied with the up-to-date inventories and fully meets the modern construction standards.
The famous Italian industrial designer Giorgetto Giugiauro gave a lecture in the Georgian Technical University. He shared his experience and talked about the ways of success. It was decided to open the first International School of Design and Architecture in the Caucasus region, on the basis of Georgian Technical University.
The famous Italian industrial designer and inductee of the Automotive Hall of Fame Giorgetto Giugiuaro is paying an official visit to Georgia. Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini met the guest from Italy. Famous Georgian industrial designer Zviad Tsikolia also attended the meeting.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini provided the library of Armenian Public School # 104 of Tbilisi with the newly published Georgian language textbooks for ethnic minority schoolchildren.

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