Within the framework of the „International Week of Science and Innovations“, on November 17, another important event was held on at the National Scientific Library, where Project Manager of the Slovak Scientific-Technical Information Center Julius Kraviari spoke about the Slovakian experience of the program “Antiplag”. The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Giorgi Sharvashidze, rectors of higher educational institutions and other interested persons attended the meeting.
The program “Antiplag” ensures revealing the facts of plagiarism and defining the level of plagiarism in the bachelor, master and doctor works. In particular, it defines from which scientific work this or that text had been downloaded and in total, what percentage of the work is plagiarism.
The program has been already tested in the National Scientific Library - it handles well the texts in Georgian and English languages. The program significantly decreases the chances of illegal usage of the work that has been already tested. Also, reliability of the quality of scientific works that have been through this program and certified by the respective commission gets largely increased. Plagiarism detection program is essential for reducing the level of plagiarism in country.
In future, it is possible that the program “Antiplag” might become a mandatory for higher educational institutions, students, professors and teachers. For the purpose of reducing the level of plagiarism or its fallacious sides, it will be required to conduct teaching and educational works among the students. In addition, it will be need for valuable formation of the legislative base related to the plagiarism.
Direct structure of the program “Antiplag” is as follows: scientific work will be uploaded into the detection program of the “Antiplag” and in maximum 2 minutes time the answer is sent at pre-specified email address. In the received answer the sections of the text will be indicated, where the case plagiarism and the percentage indicator are discovered, which will be granted to the material by this program. After that, the special commission establishes if the result provided by program is really a plagiarism or it is a paraphrase etc. Finally, the commission based on the program “Antiplag” will make.