Today, a conference was held, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in partnership with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). The conference "New perspectives for vocational education in tourism" was opened by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Tamar Sanikidze. In addition, a speech was addressed to the conference guests by the GIZ program director of the private sector development in the South Caucasus – Ms. Marita Riedel.
During the conference various possibilities were discussed within the context of Georgia’s socio-economic development and in terms of implementing vocational education in Tourism. Moreover, the speakers addressed the issues regarding the current vocational education reform and the importance of solid collaboration between public and private sectors, as well as the the role of dual vocational education in Tourism. Furthermore, the meeting also focused on practical trainings and internships and the importance of acquiring firm qualification in hospitality and service industry.
The conference was attended by the representatives of public and private sector, donor organizations involved in vocational education, representatives of vocational education institutions, as well as the local and international experts.