The Minister of Education and Science, Dimitri Shashkini opened the new carpentry enterprise at the Vocational Education and Training Center “Spectri” and attended the making process of the first product – laminate, using the furniture making machinery. The Minister met with ethnic Abkhazian students, who are inhabitants of Sukhumi and expressed willingness to study IT. by the announcement of the Director of “Spectri”, Zaza Avaliani, 9 students from Gali will be enrolled in the center from the next academic year.
The managers of the household companies ‘’Wood Service” and ‘’Apex Service” signed the labor agreement with some graduates of “Spectri” at the same day. All trainees of “Spectri” have been already employed. The center receives the orders from the partner companies and then trains the specialists according to these desired specialties.
The Minister visited the auto mechanic, auto school, architecture, environment monitoring, informational technologies, electrician and all-round builder educational-studying class-rooms and labs. He met with the teachers of the center, the representatives of USAID and Mr. Zevenhoven, the expert who holds the official visit in Georgia in the framework of the joint project of “Spectri” and the Netherlands’ organization PUM. The goal of the project, being implemented by “Spectri”, is to develop the professional education in compliance with European standards.The Minister awarded 6 merited teachers with the certificates for their contribution to the professional education.
Tbilisi Vocational Education and Training Center “Spectri” is all-round vocational education center. Around 800 students study at the desirable long-term and short-term training-retraining programs.
Following building specialties are the priorities of the center: bricklayer, carpenter, plasterer, electrician, road builder, sanitary-engineer, circuit installer of lightning and power mains and etc. Additionally, the programs of auto mechanic, refrigerating system and air conditioning system technician, environment safety monitoring, IT operator, accountant-book keeper, office manager and other specialties are taught at the center. The potential employers of the graduates from “Spectri” are: construction company “Aksisi”, “Arsi”, “inzhmsheni”, “Arkitravi”, also the firms: “Beko”, “L-plus”, “Wood Service”, “Apex Service”. Furniture company “Shno”, mobile connection companies “Mobiteli”, “Association of Developers’”, “Tbilaviamsheni”, Roads Department of Georgia, Municipal Enterprises and etc.
The Vocational Education and Training Center was fully rehabilitated in 2007, in the framework of the President’s national program. 1, 463,000 GEL was allocated for construction workings.