With the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgian Post will hold the eighth international competition for the Universal Postal Union to write a letter to adults under the age of 15.
The competition, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, has been held annually in 192 member countries of the World Postal Union since 1971 and aims to restore and establish the writing tradition, encourage writing among the younger generation and maintain written communication in the modern world.
The theme for the 2021 competition is "Write a letter to a family member about your experience of Covid-19".
It is noteworthy that all participants in the competition will be awarded, however, a five-member jury will reveal the top three. The work of the first-place winner will be sent to the "World Postal Union" and will be included in the international competition program.
The deadline for submitting the letter set to April 16, 2021. The letter can be written in Georgian, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. Detailed information about the terms and conditions of the competition can be found on the following link.
Additional questions can be sent to the following email: letter@gpost.ge
The International Letter Writing Competition was founded at the World Postal Union Tokyo Congress, and since then, national operators around the world have held an annual writing competition involving millions of teenagers.