

The transformation plan of the Education System presented in the beginning of September by the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili is in the active phase. The preliminary works are in fact completed and are monitored by the stakeholders. As it is known, education reform includes all areas of education system.
Students enrolled in the vocational training program of Georgian Technical University will learn with new, modern standards. Mikheil Batiashvili - Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, together with Lana Stolis – the Vice President of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (USA), Magda Magradze - Executive Director of Millennium Challenge Account Georgia, the Rector... Read More
Over US$ 6 million from the Government of Switzerland will be spent in 2018-2022 to promote Vocational Education & Training in agriculture and offer Georgian farmers modern educational opportunities and services. A project document of this new initiative was signed on 6 November 2018 between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Ministry of Environmental... Read More
On November 6, a press conference dedicated to the "Tbilisi Baroque Festival" was held at the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. The First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Giorgadze, Head of Culture and Sport department of Tbilisi City Hall - Irakli Gvilava, a representative of the Culture Department of the Italian Embassy... Read More
International tournament "Caucasus Cup 2018" was held at Kyokushin Karate in the competition hall of judo academy located in Tbilisi. Approximately 300 sportsmen from Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia have participated in the tournament.
Members of Georgian Judo Youth Team were able to obtain 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals at European U-23 Championship held in Diori, Hungary.
Mikheil Batiashvili - the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia together with Elizabeth Rudd - the acting Ambassador of United States of America to Georgia and Magda Magradze – the executive Director of Millennium Challenge Fund Georgia opened an annual International Conference on Investment in Human Capital and addressed the attending audience.
ArtDoll Tbilisi was officially opened at the Zurab Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art. Mikheil Giorgadze -  First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia attended the event. Today, at 13:00, exhibition hall of Folklore State Center of Georgia has exhibited the works of famous Georgian and foreign methods (Estonia, Russia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Ukraine,... Read More
On November 5-10, a British expert in the development of inclusive art - Tim Willer, is holding consultative meetings in support of the development of inclusive art, as well as with representatives of the organizations, including education and science, culture and sports, who are interested and/or involved in the development of inclusive art. On the basis of the information received, the expert... Read More
The role and functions of school security resource officers are increasing. The relevant complex action plan was developed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili, held a meeting with the Ambassador of the French Republic to Georgia - Pascal Menier, the Director of the French Institute in Georgia - Pier Clue, and the Scientific and University Cooperation Attaché - Eleanor Garnier.
The professional testing of applicants with special educational needs started on October 31 and will last until 3 November 2018. This procedure is underway in 25 professional educational institutions throughout Georgia.
Mikheil Batiashvili, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport hosted the wrestlers from the World Championship. The meeting at the Ministry was attended by Georgian free and Greek-Roman wrestling federation officials, coaches and various stakeholders. The meeting was also attended by First Deputies - Mikheil Giorgadze and Shalva Gogoladze. The wrestlers were greeted and congratulated... Read More
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili Central School of Music expresses its condolences over the death of a beloved teacher - Mr. Omar Geguchadze. A person who has spent transferring all his knowledge, energy, experience and his great affirmation of music to his students, he was an individual who thought of the school as his second home, his big family, a place where he felt happy.
The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Irine Abuladze awarded the winners of the National and International Training Olympiads, comprising of a variety of prizes and cash incentives for the winners.
“One morning, as I was going to work, a neighbor's boy took a short trip with me in the elevator, who was naturally headed to school. I talked to him and asked if he was glad to go to school or whether he liked school at all in that matter. She contemplated and responded with a counter question: "Do you think there is a child who is happy to go to school?" These words are still haunting... Read More
Awareness of  the Dual Vocational Education and the necessity of business involvement in this process was the main topic of the conference organized by the Georgian Chamber of Commerce, which was held within the framework of the project "Dual Vocational Education Coordination Council". The conference was held at the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia. Irina... Read More
Mikheil Batiashvili, the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of Georgia attended the rugby base at Nutsubidze Plateau, where the presentation of 3 new, ultramodern rugby complex for Rugby Union, was handed over by Cartu Foundation.
With the support of the Government of Georgia, the Embassy of Bulgaria and the European Union, Georgian-langiage private school – Momavali and a kindergarden was established.
On October 25-28 Tbilisi XXII International Scientific Congress: "Olympic sport and sport for all" was held under the auspices of the Georgian Physical Education and Sport State Teaching University. The Congress will open at Tbilisi Marriott at 10:00 on October 26.
On October 25-28 Tbilisi XXII International Scientific Congress: "Olympic sport and sport for all" was held under the auspices of the Georgian Physical Education and Sport State Teaching University. The Congress will open at Tbilisi Marriott at 10:00 on October 26.
"It is very exciting to see the portrait of Teimuraz King, to return to the Royal Treasures of Georgia" - stated Mikheil Batiashvili the -  Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia at the event dedicated to the return of the Royal treasure.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport  of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili, the Deputy Prime Minister, of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia - Maia Tskitishvili and Minister of Economy Georgia Kobalia – have inspected the current Kaspi educational and technological projects. With the support of the Government of Georgia, the Innovative Center - Technopark... Read More
In 2015, an archaeological expedition of the Tbilisi State University found a peculiar inscription on the Grakliani hill, an estimated inscription dates back to the 7th century BCE.
Project of Entrepreneurship learning in Vocational Education is being started by the US Embassy in Georgia.
On October 23, the Georgian National Olympic Reserve Training Center hosted "Open Championship of Olympic Center". The competition was held in seven categories: Free and Greco-Roman Wrestling, Judo, Weightlifting, Athletics, Georgian Wrestling and Archery.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili delivered a speech at the "CERN Cognitive Festival" at the Technical University of Georgia, where the importance of international scientific and educational projects based on scientific and innovative technologies was praised.
Georgian dancer - Maria Kazakova and Giorgi Revia were awarded with the Grand Prix for the first time in the history of Georgia's spinning fixture. They were able to win two silver medals and final round of Grand Prix stages. The Grand Prix series in the category of juniors began in August, comprising of seven stages, which finished on October 13 in the Armenian capital of Yerevan. 65 pairs from... Read More
ბუენოს აირესში გამართული მესამე ახალგაზრდული ოლიმპიური თამაშებიდან, რომელშიც მსოფლიოს 206 ქვეყნის 4 ათასზე მეტი ათლეტი გამოვიდა საქართველოს... Read More
Mikheil Batiashvili - Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia met with German Ambassador to Georgia Hubert Knischr and introduced systematic reforms planned in the education field.  
Mikheil Batiashvili - Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia delivered a speech at a traditional informative event at the Erasmus + National Office for Universities, Professors and Students and emphasized that ERASMUM + is an exemplary program for Georgia, which shows the best example of integration into common academic space with Europe.
The third Summer Youth Olympic Games was closed in Buenos Aires, where approximately 206 athletes participated from all around the world. 
On October 17, an official event of the establishment of the “International Association of Graduates of Education” was held. The event was attended by the graduates of the International Center for Education in 2018 and the beneficiaries of the various educational scholarship programs of the Center.
Jaba Papinashvili, a member of Georgian Judo Youth Team, won a bronze medal at Judo in the World Youth Championship held in the Bahamas. Papinashvili, who wrestled in 60 kg weight category, defeated the bronze medal in the Turkish Triple Cumult. Jaba Papinashvili held 6 matches in total, defeating representatives of the United States, Argentina, Azerbaijan and Romania at the preliminary... Read More
On October 17, At the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (4 Sanapiro street), the presentation of the Classical Music Center - "Concerts of Classical Music in the Alternative Area" was held. First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport - Mikheil Giorgadze, Artistic Director of "Classical Music Center" -  Eliso Virsaladze and the center Program... Read More
The Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary within the framework of the Council of Europe Sports Ministerial.
Georgia is hosting the Sports Ministerial, which was opened by the Prime Minister of Georgia - Mamuka Bakhtadze.
Memorandum on Cooperation between the Governments of Georgia and the Republic of Moldova was signed by the First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Giorgadze and State Secretary of Youth and Sport of Moldova - Radu Rebeya.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport - Mikheil Batiashvili together with the deputy ministers hosted the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe - Gabriela Battini-Dragoni.
Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport - Mikheil Batiashvili and Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Georgia - Antonio Enrico Bartoli presented a new program "Italian as Second Language".
Georgia has passed the honorary guest status to Norway in 2019. According to the tradition, Medea Metreveli - the head of the National Book Center of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports handed a special scroll to her Norwegian counterpart. Presentation of the Norwegian Imagary collection was also held during the event.
At the UN General Assembly, Lika Tikorishvili, a representative of the Georgian youth in the UN, addressed the third committee meeting. She urged young people to join the world and to contribute towards improving the globe. The youth delegation also focused on the importance of peace building and the Georgian peacekeeping policy.
The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport - Irina Abuladze hosted the Eastern Partnership Three-day Regional Conference, which aimed to share experience in working-on / dual education issues among partner countries. The conference was organized by the European Foundation for Educational Cooperation (ETF) and was attended by 50 delegates from 6 countries (Ukraine, Belarus,... Read More
The 2018 Frankfurt Book Fair and the Pavilion of Georgia signifying the Honorary Guest Country was officially opened. Georgia was presented with the overall concept of Georgia - Made by Characters and it quickly grasped the focus of German audience.
On October 4-7, Georgia hosted the Marathon - RUNMAGEDDON. The special infrastructure for marathon was arranged in Kazbegi for the event.
 The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili held a special briefing regarding the personnel changes at the Ministry and presented the staff changes to the public and the heads of the LEPL selected by the competition on the coresponding vacant positions.  
With the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Vienna Albertina Museum will host exhibition of Niko Pirosmani. On October 5, a press conference was held at Dimitri Shevardnadze National Gallery.
Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili met with Judokas who returned from the World Cup together with First Deputy -Mikheil Giorgadze and Deputy - Shalva Gogoladze. The event was hosted by Wine Factory N1.  
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili held a special briefing regarding the personnel changes at the Ministry and presented the staff changes to the public and the heads of the LEPL selected by the competition on the coresponding vacant positions.  
The International Regional Conference on "EU4Innovation: Supporting Ties between Research and Industry" was held jointly by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, in cooperation with European Commission at Tbilisi State University.  
Georgia's oldest vocational school, which is celebrated in the village Tsinamdzgvariantkari in Mtskheta region, is celebrating the 135th anniversary. Ilia Tsinamdzgvrishvili College was renewed in 2017 and was revived. It is Georgia's first and the oldest vocational school established by the famous teacher and publicist - Ilia Tsinamdzgvrishvili. His success and development contributed to Ilia... Read More
The Prime Minister of Georgia - Mamuka Bakhtadze opened the working meeting of COMET International Cooperation at Georgian Technical University.
The choreographic ensemble of the Union of the Deaf of Georgia - "Lile" won the first prize in Greece, at the International Festival or Art - "The Wave of Ideas" at the International Festival of Art, won the first prize in Greece.
The Olympic committee was held at the National Olympic Committee in Argentina, for the Youth Olympic Games. Nino Salukvadze - Vice-President of the Committee presented the Olympiad licensees, after which Olympic vows were made to the athletes.
The study process in Barisakho, Shatili and Magaroskari boarding schools will be conducted smoothly and without any interruptions.  
  The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, anniunces a registration of applicants for vocational education from October 3 to October 19, 2018.   
On September 28, Tradicitional Craft and Design Summit – Ethno Fest 2018 was opened at The Exhibition Centre - “Expo Georgia”, organized by the International Art Center. The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport of Georgia – Mikheil Giorgadze, Irakli Gvilava, the head of the Culture Development of the City Hall, the representative of the “Invest... Read More
Georgian national team won all three medals at Judo World Championship, which ended in Baku, Azerbaijan, and took the fourth place among 124 countries participating in the event. Guram Tushishvili became world champion in 100 kg weight category, Varlam Liparteliani (-100 kg) won silver medal and Bronze medal was won by Amiran Papinashvili (-60 kg). It is worth mentioning that after 2014, it is... Read More
  The Georgian and the writer’s society, today has lost a trully great person. Today, at the age of 87, after a long illness the writer and playwright - Tamaz Chiladze has passed.  
The First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Giorgadze and the Director of National Agency for Cultural Heritage Protection - Nikoloz Antidze visited Mutso and viewed the large-scale works conducted for the monument renovation.  
  On 26-28 September, 2018, the 8th annual Advisory Forum of Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes was held in Gorlitz, Germany. The forum was attended by the 32 members of the expanded Partial Agreement, the council of Europe, the European Commission, UNESCO, ICOM and other representatives of the international organization  
The main directions of the planned educational reforms were discussed during the meeting of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili and Deputy Minister Irine Abuladze with the Head of EU Delegation to Georgia - Karl Harcell.
UEFA has distinguished Georgia among its member states and awarded the silver prize for exclusive merits for the contribution to popularization of football, healthy lifestyle and the number of people engaged in it.
The 43rd chess Olympiad continues in Batumi Sports Palace. On September 25, the parties of the second round were drawn and it happened so that the women's and men's team played against the Norwegians. Georgian National teams played without the team leaders (Nana Dzagnidze, Baadur Jobava), allowing them to relax for the main battles ahead. Moreover, Lela Javakhishvili took the first place of the... Read More
On September 25th, the ICOM / CECA International Scientific Conference, titled - "Museums, Education and Cultural Activity: “The Old and Modern Values" was opened at the National Museum of Georgia. Mikheil Giorgadze – the first Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport attended the event.
Within the scope of the "Rest and learn together" project of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, 21 successful students have already left for Great Britain. Students in the UK will undergo a 2-week intense English language course. The program also includes various sporting, cognitive-entertainment activities, excursions, about British traditions and culture.
The first round of the 43rd Chess Olympiad was held in Batumi Sports Palace. Georgia appears on the Olympiad as a host country, presenting six sets of national teams, composed of three women’s and correspondingly three men’s team.  
  The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili visited the small-scale Chikuneti Public School, located in Khelvachauri Municipality and introduced planned innovations within the scope of planned reforms.   
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia hosted a one-day working seminar within scope of the UNICEF Joint Partnership program of Estonia and Georgia. The seminar was opened by Deputy Minister - Irina Abuladze.
Three days remain before the opening of the World Chess Olympiad. Geoffrey Borg - a member of FIDE Directorate and the President of the Professional Chess Association - Emil Sutovsky are already in Batumi. Approximately 4000 athletes and delegates from 180 countries will visit Georgia within the next few days. A multi-functional, newly constructed sports palace is ready to receive the esteemed... Read More
The United States Peace Corps Georgia invites motivated public schools to cooperate within the scope of Peace Corps Education Program.
  For the purposes of boosting the cultural and educational activities, in conjunction with raising the awareness of the Georgian folklore and its preservation, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili, together with the representatives of the Ministry of the Regional Development and Infrastructure, private sector officials, has opened the... Read More
Mikheil Batiashvili - the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia met with the members of Judo Youth Team at the Ministry. The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Minister - Mikheil Giorgadze and Shalva Gogoladze.
On September 19, San Diego State University hosted the ceremony celebrating the start of the new academic year. Mikheil Batiashvili – the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia attended the event and congratulated the university students on the beginning of the new academic year. The 9th, permanent president of San Diego State University, Adela de la Torre and the... Read More
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport continues to increase the quality of higher education in Georgia. For this specific purpose, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili held a meeting with the Rectors of state and private higher education institutions and discussed the challenges in authorization, accreditation and the prospects of... Read More
On September 18, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport held a press conference regarding the International Music Festival in Telavi.  
With the initiative and support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, LEPL "Creative Georgia" is pleased to announce a competition for the Venice 58th Art Exhibition.  
  On September 17, the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Levan Kharatishvili held a working meeting with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) Lamberto Zannier.  
The students of the village Tortizi in Gori municipality started their new academic year in a newly built school. Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Irina Abuladze attended the opening of the new school and congratulated the students, their parents and teachers with the beginning of the new academic year.
Mikheil Batiashvili – the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia visited Sokhumi State University and congratulated students on the start of a new academic year.
Mikheil Batiashvili - Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia congratulated students, teachers and parents from the public school №150 of Tbilisi. Public school №150 is one of those public schools, where a new model of teaching was initiated by the Ministry and it will run in its pilot mode.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Batiashvili held a presentation of the Education Reform in Ikalto Monastery Complex.
Members of the Georgian Judo Youth Team has won two bronze medals on their first competition of European Youth Championship held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Georgian athletes: Jaba Papinashvili (60kg) and Bagrat Niniashvili (66 kg) became the winners of the bronze medals. The European Judo Championship is held in Sofia on September 13-16.
One of the conclusive conference on discussing the Draft Law on Physical Education and Sports was held in Tbilisi. The workshop was held at the exhibition hall of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia. Public consultations on the draft law are initiated by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia together with the Committee on Sport and Youth Affairs of... Read More
On September 13, the First Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia - Mikheil Giorgadze hosted a group of German journalists who are getting acquainted with the Georgian culture. The meeting was attended by a famous Georgian pianist - Dudana Mazmanishvili as well, who currently works in Germany.
  A two-day seminar dedicated to the introduction of technological innovations and digital transformation of education in educational system is being organized by Microsoft Georgia. Strengthening the technology application and thus increasing the access to technological means for the students is one of the most important tasks in the educational reform.   
  Organized by the Children and Youth National Center and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, the Future Camp Anaklia was closed in a celebratory manner. The Future Camp hosted more than 3,000 students this year. Furthermore, all six summer camps across Georgia has hosted more than 10,000 guests in 2018.   
  On September 12, a press conference dedicated to the International Festival of Traditional Handcrafting Workshop was held at the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (4 Sanapiro Street).   
On September 20-27, Lodz's Theater – “Pinocchio" will present a variety of interesting shows for the audience.
After exhibiting the world–renowned works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Titian and other great Italian artists, the National Museum of Georgia will now host "Bernini School and Roman Baroque".
  Within the scope of volunteer development program -"Georgian Volunteer", the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia has organized a five-day training seminar, where the participants of said seminar have officially received the status of “Volunteer of Georgia”.   
Mikheil Batiashvili, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport held a briefing regarding the systematic changes in the Ministry.
Nona Gaprindashvili's commemoration chess award "Nona’s Cup" was bestowed on September 7-8 in Guria and Samegrelo.
Georgian national football team won a second consecutive victory in UEFA League of Nations. Georgian footballers hosted Latvia on "Dinamo Arena" and defeated their opponent 1: 0. Tornike Okriashvili scored the only goal at the 77th minute with the penalty shot.
The Georgian national team has won their first victory at UEFA League of Nations. Georgian football team defeated National team of Kazakhstan with a score of 2: 0 in Astana. Giorgi Chakvetadze opened the score at the 69th minute and within 5 minutes Sergey Malim scored an own goal.
For the modernization of the educational process, especially in regional schools of Georgia, wireless internet connection will be introduced accordingly. Consequently, owing to the decision of the Government of Georgia, the LEPL "Educational and Scientific Infrastructure Agency" will be authorized to purchase wireless Internet infrastructure for public schools.
Mikheil Batiashvili – the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia presented the issue of granting a status of a teachers, to the individuals who work with studets with special education needs to the members of Georgian government.
Owing to the decision of the Georgian Government, funding of public schools will increase by 0.9 million lari per month in 2018. Mikheil Batiashvili, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia presented the decision to the members of Georgian Government today.
Organizing Committee of 43rd World Chess Olympiad and Georgian Chess Federation dedicated another beautiful event to the upcoming Olympiad: On September 4, a showcase match was played between Nona Gaprindashvili and Maia Chiburdanidze, commemorating the latters’ 40th jubilee of World Championship on Ilia Lake!
Within the scope of the EU program "EU4Youth", three new projects are being implemented to ensure the employment of young people. The implementation of the projects began in the spring of 2018, and are fully funded by the European Union. The beneficiary countries are as follows: Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine and Belarus.