

The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the members of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
International Education Center Scholarship Students Job Fair – 2016 at was held Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel in Tbilisi, organized by the International Education Center and LEPK Social Services Agency.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia together with the organization - World Vision Georgia, conducts an educational project for the homeless children.
Starting from October 3 up to October 16, a registration process for more than 150 vocational education programs is commencing, at state educational institutions. The Minister of Education and Science got acquinted with the whole process at a Gldani vocational college.
Starting from October 3 up to October 16, a registration process for more than 150 vocational education programs is commencing, at state educational institutions.
Four international organizations: Education International (EI), UNESCO, the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the United Nations Development Fund, celebrates the 50-year anniversary for the Teacher’s International day on October 5, 2016
Today, PMC Research Center in Georgia in order to attract international students, held a public hearing and a presentation of research results.
The Minister  of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, with the deputy Executive Director of Millennoum Challenge Corporation – Nancy Lee, and the Executive Director of Millennium Challenge Account Georgia – Magda Magradze, opened newly renovated public school in Khidistavi - Gori municipality.
From October 3 to October 16 the registration for more than 150 professional/vocational programs begins. This includes 50 new modular programs, which are in line with the international standards and has been developed with the full involvement of the private sector and the potential employers.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia held a meeting with the Deputy Secretary of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, where the sides summarized the ongoing developments in the field of vocational education.
700 students will continue their studies in a modern school in Gori – public school N5, which was opened by the the Prime Minister of Georgia - Giorgi Kvirikashvili, the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, the US Ambassador in Georgia - Ian Kelly, the deputy Executive Director of Millennium Challenge Corporation - Nancy Lee and the Millennium Challenge Fund... Read More
A conference regarding Work-Based Learning was held. The conference was attended by the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, who addressed the audience. 
Resource officers have entered in one of the biggest public schools for the first time in the villages of Gori region. The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, and the head of the Resource Officers Administration – Vakhtang Meifariani, presented the resource officers to the public school N1 of Karaleti village.
San Diego State University held a ceremony due to the start of the new academic year. The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, The US ambassador in Georgia – Ian Kelly, the deputy Executive director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation – Nancy Lee, and the executive director of Millennium Challenge Account Georgia – Magda... Read More
Millennium Challenge Account, within the scope of the project – “Vocational Education for the Economic Development”, held an award ceremony for the winners in the grant competition.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, spoke about the implemented and planned projects in general education on a meeting with the journalists, and provided a detailed information regarding the subject.
It has become a tradition for the Ministry of Education and Science to celebrate the European Day of Languages on the September 26, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
Owing to the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, a festival of Science and Innovation was held on September 17-25. The Festival included more than 150 various events such as conferences, public lectures, presentations, workshops, training sessions, open days, scientific shows and so forth.
After many years of successful cooperation, the European Union National Institute for Culture (UENIC), with the participation of high school students, has celebrated the European Day of Languages at the Tbilisi Classical Gymnasium. 
The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, within the scope of Science and Innovation Festival, opened the exhibition of educational technologies, with the invited guests from public schools and the university students.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava, visited a renovated public school in Pkhvenisi, within the scope of Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Second Compact.
Owing to the initiative of Ilia State University, the fifth scientific picnic was held. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, within the Science and Innovation Festival framework.
Owing to the initiative of British Council and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, a conference was held regarding the inclusive education. During the conference, the Ministry has presented a report regarding the ongoing activities, and emphasized once more the importance and significance of introducing and establishing a culture of inclusive education in the Georgian educational... Read More
Within the scope of the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement’s “Professional Qualifications Development and Support Program”, an informative seminar was held regarding the “Sector Committee Members’ opportunities to strengthen their role and functions, dicussing and evaluations the issues of professional qualification and updating the methodology.”
Within the scope of the Georgian-German scientific bridge, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University held an opening ceremony for its SMART | Lab. SMART | Lab will help the students to engage in the international studies at the Jülich Research Center.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava held a meeting with the Master’s students of Journalism, Media engineering, Public Relations, as well as with the specialists and representatives of Public Administration and Law School at Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA).
Millennium Challenge Account has announced a innovation competition for the high school students, for the academic year of 2016-2017. The innovation competition aims to nominate best three teams in the country, based on their projects in three fields: innovation, technology and science. The team who receives the best team nomination, will visit NASA, in the United States in April 2017.
For the development of the Agricultural Sciences and Biosystem Engineering Faculty the government has spent more than 12 million Georgian Lari. This sum was spent on infrastructure, in conjunction with updating and implementing the new necessary software.
A conference – “safe school” was organized by the School Resource Office for the educational institutions. The conference was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava, the head of the Mandate service – Vakhtang Meipariani, the CEO of the National Association of American School Resource Officers (NASRO) – James Maurice... Read More
With the initiative of the Private Colleges Association, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava held a meeting with the heads of private colleges, as well as with the college teachers. The meeting aimed at discussing the prospects for the development of the vocational education and general future plans for the educational system. 
In accordance to the beginning of the new 2016-2017 academic year, the Minister – Aleksandre Jejelava visited Tbilisi State Medical University. The Minister congratulated the beginning of the new academic year to the students and professors. 
Aleksandre Jejelava visited St. Andrew Georgian University. The minister inspected the infrastructure and the laboratories, in conjunction with holding a meeting with the faculty representatives and the Academic Council. 
Bloomberg created a special project for higher education institutions - Bloomberg Education - which involves creating a “dealing room” on the bases of 12 terminals. This will the universities to teach students the real-time stock exchange operations and facilitate their implementation.
Within the scope of the Science and Innovation festival, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, in collaboration with the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Science of Germany, organized “Georgia-German Science Day”.
For the first time in Tbilisi, Georgia a Festival of Science and Innovation 2016 is being held. Organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the Festival began on September 17, and will last till September 25, whilst organizing various activities and events each day.
The first private high-tech center - "Silicon Valley 's" is opened in Tbilisi. The Center will unite the IT Academy, business and technological universities, various schools, laboratories and research centers.
The Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava continues his working visits at public schools. This time, the minister visited public school N64 and congratulated the students and teachers with the start of the new academic year.
A few days ago, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University archeological expedition discovered the new archeological artifacts. The latest discovery dates back to the XI-X century BC. Today, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava was introduced to the new artifacts.
On September 15, a new academic year has started in the public schools of Georgia. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia congratulated the students, parents and teachers with the beginning of the new academic year from the Komarov Physics and Mathematics school. On the same day, the Minister visited public schools N60, N186, N112 and the private school “Poligloti” and... Read More
The Minister of Education and Science of Armenia – Mr. Levon Mkrtchyan together with the head of the Diaspora and Foreign Relations Mr. Karen Mnatsakanyan visited the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.
A delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia is visiting Georgia for a business trip, supervised by the Minister himself – Levon Mkrtichian. 
Due to the recent reforms being implemented in the Georgian educational system, a permanent board of directors of both public and private schools have been opened. Today, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the school principals, in order to discuss the format, the board will function in, as well as discussing few emerging problems in the... Read More
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelkava and the deputy Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs – Revaz Javelidze visited the “Future Camp” in Anaklia. This is the largest project organized by the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs, which is executed for the fourth consecutive year with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science.
A University City project was presented in Kutaisi, which was attended by the Prime Minister of Georgia – Giorgi Kvirikashvili, the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, and the representatives of the educational system.
One of the country's largest investor - "Adjaristskali Georgia" within the scope of corporate - social responsibility, has presented the projects implemented in the educational system, and held an award ceremony for the successful students.
Akaki Tsereteli State University renewed the composition of the Rectors Council, and held their first meeting, which was opened by the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava. The leaders of the public and private higher educational institutions were attending the council.
According to the order №888 of the director of LEPL National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, a special card-form and questionnaire was formed, in conjunction with determining the submission deadlines for the applicants willing to participate in the Teacher s Training program 2016. It is important to note, that the documents must be submitted directly to the National Center for... Read More
Owing to the initiative of Interbusiness Academy, in order to further discuss the vocational education and its development towards the Law direction, the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the representatives of the educational institutions and specialists of the field.
In order for the system to function properly, and be accessible to the entire country, the Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the leaders of resource centers, who are the regional educational entities.
Within the scope of Georgian-German Scientific Bridge, a modern experimental physics SMARTLABS (SMART | Lab) will open at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a presentation of DIMTEGU project, which entails the creation of multilingual teacher training programs and its introduction to the Georgian and Ukrainian universities. Within the project framework, a conference – “Multilingual Education – Challenges and Perspectives” was held.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the Ambassador of Moldova (who resides in Baku) – George Leukas. The introductory meeting was held today, at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosts the 17th International Congress of European Lexicography, which involves a total of 150 delegates from 40 countries.
The meetings with the representatives of the educational sector is continuing across Georgia. This time, Aleksandre Jejelava, held two meetings in the Kvemo Kartli region, where he met with a total of 500 teachers from Boinisi, Dminisi and Marneuli Municipalities.
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Lia Gigauri, within the scope of working visit in the UK, met with the participants of Buckswood summer school.
Cadets at the David the Builder National Defense Academy have celebrated their course completion and participated in the official inaugural event. The Ministry of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava congratulated cadets with their achievements and awarded them with the special certificates.
Within the context of a signed memorandum, the UK University of Nottingham and Nottingham College, will receive Georgian students, who won the English language competition, for summer school programs. The Georgian students will enhance and develop their English language skills and will be involved in various intellectual or sport activities.
In parallel with the implementation of modern technologies and standards in the educational system, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, is developing a new operating model for increasing the teacher’s qualification and enhancing their general image, which includes an active participation of teachers and education experts themselves.
A founding treaty was signed today between the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Jülich Research Center in regards to the opening the first, so-called Smart Labs (SMART | EDM Lab), under the 7th joint Georgian-German school seminar framework.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia paid a business visit to the Imereti region.
In the academic year of 2016-2017, owing to the decision of Chinese government and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, 20 Georgian students will study amongst China’s top higher educational institutions.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava paid a working visit to Zurab Zhvania State School of Administration.
In order to further develop the vocational education in Georgia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce has formed a special memorandum, which was signed by First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Ketevan Natriashvili and the President of the Chamber of Commerce - Nino Chikovani.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Giorgi Sharvashidze held a meeting with the representatives of Economics, Strategic Institute of Insurance and Risk Management of Kazakhstan.    
Science plays an important role in the country s economic development. Therefore, the development of science and its enhancement to the modern level, and the support for the researchers’/scientists progression is one of the main priorities for the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
A memorandum of employment was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social affairs, the Social Service Agency, and the Children and Youth Development Fund of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of Georgia.
The multidisciplinary team of The Ministry of Education and Science preparing for the autumn admissions for the vocational education. The team members will be involved in the evaluation and testing processes for the individuals with the special education needs. The training sessions for the Tbilisi and Regional members of the team was held in three stages, where they received additional... Read More
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava hosted a meeting with the Dutch Ambassador in Georgia – Mr. Johanes Duma.
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science - Lia Gigauri within the scope of her business visit to Great Britain, met with the Georgian students who are currently participanting in non-formal English language programs in England’s various schools, universities and colleges. 
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, within the scope of his business meetings, held his next meeting in Akhalkalaki, where he met with the local teachers.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia gives the opportunity for the National School Olympiad participants to take part in “English” and “Exact Natural Sciences” summer schools, which is fully funded by the state and is conducted at Buckswood International school.
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Gia Sharvashidze held a pressconference regarding the activities of an authorized educational institutions.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, with the aim of meeting the teachers visited the region of Samtskhe-Javakheti this time. The first meeting of Aleksandre Jejelava was held in Akhaltsikhe, and the schools of Borjomi and Aspindza municipalities.
A sectorial agreement will be signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the Independent Trade Union of Teachers and Scientists. In order to discuss the above-mentioned agreement, the Ministry of Education and Science held a working meeting. During the meeting, taking into consideration the opinions of both sides, the competence, experience and expertise, the project was... Read More
The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava is actively continuing his daily informational and introductory meetings with the representatives of the educational sector. This time, the minister met with the heads of the research institutes at Tbilisi State University.
Owing to the initiative and support of the organization – “Citizen”, a summer training school called Future Leaders was set up for the students and the pupils of the Kvareli Municipality. Moreover, 25 young successful students were acquainted with the educational, scientific and civil initiatives and methods.
The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the teachers of the Urbnisi village in Kareli Municipality, and got acquainted with the school infrastructure and current circumstances.
Within the framework of Shida Kartli visit, Aleksandre Jejelava introduced general education news and future plans to the teachers of Khashuri and Kareli municipalities. general education and the future innovations, Khashuri and Kareli municipalities teachers introduced.  
On September 17-25, 2016, a festival of science and innovation will take place. The festival aims to promote scientific research and innovation, and expose the country s scientific potential, and plans to share the international experience.
Aleksandre Jejelava continues his meeting with teachers across the country. Today, the Minister met with the teachers of Shida Kartli region, in particular, with the representatives of Gori and Kaspi educational institutions.
Today, the 8th season of National Museum’s Dmanisi Paleoanthropological Field School 8th was closed. The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, the Minister of Culture and Monument Protection – Mikeil Giorgadze, the deputy Minister – Levan Kharatishvili, and the head of School of Science Commission, and a member of National Academy of Sciences –... Read More
The Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava held an introductory meeting with the Ambassador of Qatar - Mubarak Bin Naser Mubarak Al Khalifa. 
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science - George Sharvashidze held a meeting with the students who participate in Diasporta Internship program. The meeting was initiated by the students themselves, in order to get acquinted with the current and planned news in the educational sytem.
The Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava visited the National Scientific Library. During his visit, the Minister inspected the renovation works and the current, as well as future plans of the National Scientific Library. 
The Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development - "Mountain Resorts Development Company" and the Mountain Guide Association of Adventure Tourism, signed an agreement on the establishment of the adventure tourism school.
The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre  Jejelava held an introductory meeting at Ivane Beritashvili Experimental Bio Medical Center. The director of the Center – David Nadareisvili, presented the Minister with their activities.
LEPL the National Education Development Center is always concerned about the improvement of services for the citizens and, therefore, the services are to be rendered to the citizens in terms of simplification of the general procedures.
The Prime Minister of Georgia - Giorgi Kvirikashvili and the members of government, adorned the Mukhatgverdi graveyard of the deceased heroes in the August Russo-Georgian war with a crown and commemorated the deceased soldiers.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava held an introductory – informative meeting at the Tbilisi State Medical University. The meeting was attended by the Tbilisi State Medical University Rector – Dr. Zurab Vadachkoria, Chancellor - Professor Zurab Ordzhonikidze, Vice-Rectors: Professor Khatuna Todadze and Rima Beriashvili, as well as Tbilisi... Read More
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science - Lia Gigauri awarded the individuals who underwent an internship at the Ministry with the special certificates.
The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education of the Kingdom of Jordan – Muhammad Sneibat and other members of the Jordanian delegation.
The Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava continues his journey to get acquainted with the educational and scientific - research institutions. This time, he visited Georgian Technical University’s Physics block, and inspected a brand new physics laboratory which is located in the building.
Vocational College "ICAROS" in cooperation with the Millennium Challenge Fund, held a presentation “The Employers Forum for Tourism Development”.
International Education Center, holds a two-day forum for the scholarship beneficiary students at “Kachteri Ambassadori”. Forum aims to provide a variety of international programs for the next generation of students, in conjunction with the students to get acquainted and build a mutual support.
In regards to supporting and promoting the development of vocational education, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program, held a meeting, where a Work-Based Learning concept was introduced.
Recently, an increasing interest is expressed towards the current developments  in the education system, particularly in the East. The Sultanate of Oman, which conveys a great importance to the cooperation with the Georgian education sector. 
The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre  Jejelava throughout the country, met with the rectors of the public and private higher education institutions.
Prime Minister of Georgia - Giorgi Kvirikashvili, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Aleksandre Jejelava and other members of the government, attended the closing ceremony of the International Chemistry Olympiad and awarded various winners with the bronze, silver and bronze medals respectively.
In order to get acquainted with the Teacher Professional Development Policy a high-ranking delegation arrived in Georgia from Jordan. Jordanian delegation is headed by the Deputy Minister of Education - Mohammad Tneibati. 
During his visit in the Samegrelo region, The Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava, managed to visit five cities in two days, and hold meetings of few hours and as a result, he met with more than 1,200 teachers.