

Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Public Defender of Georgia, George Tugushi awarded the winners of the competition Me as an Ombudsman.
By the initiative of the President of Georgia, new building for the schoolchildren of the primary school was constructed. As a result, number of the first graders increased and the demand for this school is being satisfied.
National Curriculum and Assessment Center of MES finished working on the project of 2011-2016 National Curriculum. Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Director of the Center, Natia Jokhadze held a presentation of the National Curriculum project at Radisson Blue Iveria.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia, Koba Subeliani presented around 70 schoolchildren of Perevi Public School with the textbooks of 5,000 GEL.
10th October - International Day Against the Climate Change is celebrated across the world and more than 40 countries of Europe, including all EU member states, take part in it.
Minister visited IT demo center of Estonia today. Estonia is the leading country of EU in IT.Around 30 IT companies are included in demo center.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Sepherteladze and Rector of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Khatia Dekanoidze awarded 27 resource officers with certificates.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Sepherteladze and Director of the Information Center on NATO, Tengo Gogotishvili gave a lecture on NATO to the refugee schoolchildren of Tserovani Public School.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini called the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s  announcement on the project Teach And Learn With Georgia as very important.
In the scope of an official visit to the Republic of Estonia, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini held a meeting with Estonian students and representatives of NGOs at Tartu University.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini has paid official visit to the Republic of Estonia. Minister has already met the Minister of Education and Research of the Republic of Estonia, Tonis Lukas.
By the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, pilot program of the project Computers For Everyone will be launched from October 11. The project is designed to give all social groups of society opportunity of buying desired computer or notebook for the special price.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Giorgi Chakhnashvili and Rector of the Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, Khatia Dekanoidze introduced Resource Officers at Kutaisi Public School №1.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Chairman of the Trade Unions of Georgia, Irakli Petriashvili met the Members of Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia.
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Diaspora Issues and the leading Universities of Georgia have been implementing the joint program “Study in Georgia” in 2010.
Special conference was dedicated to the ongoing reforms of the vocational education. Planned amendments in the law on the vocational education were presented at the conference.
His Holiness and Beatitude Catholicos Patriarch of all Georgia, Ilia II and Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini congratulated the schoolchildren of Queen Tamar Boarding-School on the beginning of the new school year.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and President of Education Professional Syndicate, Tato Shavshishvili visited Tbilisi Public School №21 in the scope of the Teacher’s Day and awarded the teacher of this school who took the highest score in the teacher’s certification exams.
By the initiative of the President of Georgia, dance classes will be introduced in schools from 2011. Theoretical and practical classes in Georgian dance will be given. At the first level, innovation will be piloted in the schools of Tbilisi.
His Holiness and Beatitude Catholicos Patriarch of all Georgia, Ilia II and Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini congratulated the students of ST. Andrew the First Called Georgian University of Patriarchate of Georgia on the beginning of the new academic year.
Another delegation of English language teachers arrived in Georgia in the scope of the program Teach And Learn With Georgia. 50 teachers will be distributed in the public schools of Georgia in order to teach the Georgian schoolchildren English language together with the local teachers.
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, together with the air company “Airzena Georgian Airways” is launching the new competition Become an Aviator throughout Georgia.
English language volunteer teachers who have arrived to Georgia in the scope of the program ,,Teach and Learn with Georgia” took part in the vintage together with the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Chief Ambassador of Culture and Communication Division of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Vernen Vnendt opened Tbilisi German International School.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Chief Ambassador of Culture and Communication Division of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Vernen Vnendt spoke about deepening cooperation between the two countries in the education field.
Week dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Akaki Tsereteli will be held on October 25-29 in Public Schools by the initiative of MES. The schools will plan and carry out different activities in the scope of the week. Competition of the writings will be held as well where VIII-XII graders will take part.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Rector of Ilia State University, Gigi Tevzadze visited Earth Sciences Institute and got familiarized with the unique geological multifunction technique GMSYS 2009 that was invented by Georgian scientists.
As the result of the joint investigative activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia, Chamber of Control and Audit Department of MES, Director of Kakheti experimental station of Lomouri Agriculture Institute, George Bolghashvili  and Main Accountant of this institution, Gela Janiashvili have been arrested.
Graduates of 158 public school donated 3,444GEL to the school in the scope of the program ALUMNI. The sum was spent for renovating the third floor, changing windows and doors, taps, ladders. Computer classroom was refurbished as well.
Al-Jazeera television dedicated special topic to the project Teach and Learn With Georgia, being commenced in Georgian Public Schools. Author named recruitment of foreign teachers as the linguistic revolution. He explained in details that the country tries to leave the post-Soviet past by teaching the Georgian schoolchildren English language.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Director of National Curriculum and Assessment Center, Natia Jokhadze personally presented the first graders of Tbilisi Public School №53 with English Language textbooks, published for the first graders of the pilot schools.
Graduates of Tbilisi Vocational Education and Training Center have been employed in the new factory Sartorial House. The graduates were awarded with the diplomas of dressmaker after passing the course at the center during one year and a half. They will receive the salary that amounts to 500 GEL. Studying is free at Tbilisi Vocational Education and Training Center.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini commented on establishing Black Sea Technical University in Batumi: Education presents one of the top priorities of our country. With the support of our American partners, new University will be constructed in Batumi.
By the initiative of the President of Georgia, dance classes will be introduced in schools. In the scope of this initiative, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze held a first working meeting.
12 adults were moved to Tbilisi Boarding-School №200 for the Children With Special Needs from the Boarding-Schools of Gurjaani, Bodbe and Kokhnari. Adults lived in the conditions that did not satisfy elementary requirements.
Delegation of the Government of Georgia, UNDP and EU visited the Milk Factory in Gori. UNDP Resident Representative in Georgia, Jamie McGoldrick , Head of the European Union Delegation to Georgia, Per Eklund, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Irine Kurdadze, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Georgia, Malkhaz Akishbaia and Governor of Shida Kartli,... Read More
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, Minister of Education of Azerbaijan, Misir Mardanov and Governor of Kvemo Kartli, David Kirkitadze visited Gardabani Public School №3 and congratulated the schoolchildren on the beginning of the school year in the renovated environment.
Prime Minister of Georgia, Nika Gilauri and Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini opened new canteen at Tbilisi Public School #161. Canteen is in compliance with modern standards.
Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in April 2010 in order to foster the cooperation between Japanese and Georgian physicists.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini , U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, John Bass and Governor of Shida Kartli, Zurab Arsoshvili visited the rehabilitated school of the village of Dzevera and spoke with the schoolchildren. The school was renovated with the financial support of USAID.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze and Director of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development, Gia Mamulashvili held a briefing on the beginning of the registration of teacher inductees.
Many honorable guests attended the event dedicated to the new academic year at Sokhumi State University. Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Nodar Surguladze was among the guests. He congratulated the students on the beginning of the new academic year and wished them success.
In the scope of the Forum of Georgian Scientists, two-day plenary session of Georgian scientists who work abroad was opened on September 20-21. Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini attended the opening of the session.
New academic year began on September 20 at Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Acting Rector of TSU, Aleksandre Kvitashvili congratulated the students on the beginning of the new academic year.
Working meeting was held between the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and the President of Education Professional Syndicate, Tato Shavshishvili. Tato Shavshishvili introduced the proposals to the Minister that are planned to be implemented in cooperation with MES.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze and Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of Adjara, Gia Abuladze visited the Ship “Academy” of Batumi State Maritime Academy.
According to the changes in the National Curriculum, physical fitness lessons will be replaced with sports classes from 2010-2011 academic years.
Unique center was established in Georgian Technical University for the bachelor and MA students of electro energy field. The center is in compliance with modern standards.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia together with the National Centre for Education Accreditation continues a series of Regional Academic Summits and trainings for higher educational institutions in the framework of the Twinning/CEIBAL project.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and General Director and Executive Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Liberty Bank, Lado Gurgenidze met with certified teachers in the head office of Liberty Bank and held a briefing.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze and Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of Adjara, Gia Abuladze personally presented 25 successful school children of the basic level of the public schools of Khulo region with personal computers in the scope of the President’s national program My First Computer.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Irine Kurdadze held a briefing on the prices of the school textbooks.
Reception for another group of foreign teachers was held in MES in the scope of the education program Teach And Learn With Georgia.
Resource officers will ensure safety in all Public Schools of Batumi from the new academic year. Deputy Ministers of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze and George Chakhnashvili introduced the three-person group of resource officers in Batumi Public School №3.
For the first time in Georgia, bilingual textbooks are published for non-Georgian school children. 35% of the material of these textbooks is published in Georgian. Manuals
Arrival of foreign teachers still continuous in the scope of the program Teach And Learn With Georgia. Traditionally, they are met by the Minister of Education and Science and Deputy Ministers in the Tbilisi International Airport.
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia sent the application to the parole commission about releasing three juvenile convicts – Levan Dumbadze, Merab Mindeli and Rati Darbaidze.
The President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili opened new public school in the village of Dighomi. The school is in compliance with modern standards. The President congratulated the school children and teachers on the beginning of the new academic year.
For the first time in Georgia, on September 15, new school year began in all public schools of Georgia simultaneously. In the scope of this day, the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra Elisabeth Reolofs visited Tbilisi Pubic School №158 and attended the event, dedicated to the new academic year.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini met 400 resource officers of Tbilisi Public Schools and attended the swearing in ceremony. Resource officers held a swearing in ceremony.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini introduced innovations of 2010-2011 academic years to the journalists at the briefing held in the office of the newspaper Prime Time. Minister thoroughly answered journalists’ questions.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini and Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources, Goga Khachidze, together with the Rector of Ilia State University, Gigi Tevzadze officially opened the Institute of Alpine Ecology in Stepantsminda.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze attended the Open Day at Tbilisi State University of Economic Relations, congratulated students on the beginning of the new academic year and presented them with around 3,000 textbooks of 4 different titles on behalf of MES.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini held a presentation of the 2010-2015 Strategy Paper of MES firstly for the journalists.
According to the initiative of the President of Georgia, teaching of English language will be launched from the first form in some pilot schools of Georgia. If the piloting passes successfully, the project will be launched in all schools from 2011. Teachers, who will teach the first graders foreign language, passed the special training.
Adelina Chanturia, who lives in the orphanage of Kojori, will continue studying in the private school-lyceum “Mtsignobartukhutsesi” in the 12th form in the scope of the program, initiated by MES. Minister personally took the girl in the new school and presented her with the personal computer.
25,381 students have been enrolled in accredited higher educational institutions of Georgia according to 2010 Unified Entry Exams. 3,276 of them will continue studying at higher professional programs.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini awarded with certificates and personal computers several teachers who successfully passed the certification exams.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze met the teachers of the new selective subject World Culture that is designed for the 11th graders of the general educational institutions. First Deputy awarded the teachers with certificates.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, together with the first graders of Public School №53 attended the presentation of the education-cognitive computer games.
Teachers’ Professional Code of Ethics, School Principal Code of Ethics and School Children Code of Conduct will be launched from the new academic year.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Koka Seperteladze held a briefing on the State Education Grants. According to Koka Seperteladze, registration begins for the students who passed Unified Entry Exams and meet the requirements for participation in the social program.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini met the winners of international Olympiads, Tsotne Tabidze, Grigol Peradze, Teimuraz Ghoghoberidze and levan Kankadze and awarded them with prizes, diplomas of Honor and books.
The First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze and Majority of Gldani-Nadzaladevi region, member of Tbilisi City Assembly, Mamuka Gugeshashvili visited the newly constructed open stadium of Tbilisi Public School №133.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini awarded around 200 10th graders of Tbilisi Public Schools with personal computers. These school children successfully completed the basic level (7th, 8th and 9th forms). Totally, 1015 successful school children will be presented with computers throughout Georgia.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini met 110 Heads of primary classes and presented them with netbooks. These teachers passed four-day training in the basic computer skills and got familiarized with the requirements of the new National Curriculum.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini met English language teachers, who came to Georgia in the scope of the program “Teach and Learn with Georgia” and discussed with them the issues concerning the implementation of the program.
The process of distributing text-books to vulnerable schoolchildren has been started. First, the text-books will be sent to Imereti, Samegrelo and Svaneti regions.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini visited the Peikrishvili family where 5 children live. Minister presented the twins Nino and Besik Peikrishvili with the textbooks.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Koka Seperteladze and the Head of National Center for Education Quality Assurance, David Kereselidze held a briefing.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini, the Governor of Imereti Region Lasha Makatsaria and Rector of Georgian Technical University Archil Phrangishvili visited Tkibuli to meet miners and upon the President’s task discussed the issue of opening Miners Professional Education Institution in Tkibuli.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini attended reception at Free University and met the students who got highest scores in National Unified Exams and were enrolled to Free University.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini met 100 English teachers from USA, Canada and European countries at Tbilisi International Airport.
In 2010, for the first time, text-books will be distributed free of charge to all students from socially vulnerable families.  The Government has allocated 8 million GEL for this program.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini and the Minister of Education and Science of Armenia Armen Ashotian met Armenian teachers who are attending 4 days training at Zurab Zhvania State School of Administration.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini got familiarized with reconstruction works at public school №17 of Kutaisi.
The first Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Akaki Seperteladze visited Italian School in Batumi and got familiarized with European model of teaching, infrastructure and technical support of the school.
The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met Azeri and Armenian students.  For the first time, this year was launched new program for students of ethnic minorities. They were enrolled in the higher education institutions with special quotas.
The first Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Akaki Seperteladze and the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of Autonomous Republic of Adjara Gia Abuladze awarded resource officers with certificates at Public Schools №3 of Batumi.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini attended the presentation of the School Principal Standard. The normative document was prepared by the specialists and experts of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development and it envisages the standards of  professional and practical skills of the school principal.
The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended the presentation of Hours of Heads of Classes at hotel-complex “Bazaleti” and met 150 teachers there.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Koka Seperteladze attended the testing of Resource Officers and got familiarized with surveillance system installed in the school.
Head of Internal Audit Department Irakli Andriashvili held briefing on unlawful procurements of 2008. By the Decree of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini. Intermal Audit Department inspected the documentation concerning the procurement of 2008 and the inspection revealed serious problems.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini and Head of National Examinations Center Maia Miminoshvili held the briefing on Teachers Certification Exams.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Akaki Seperteladze and Head of National Examinations Center Maia Miminoshvili held the briefing on the results of 2010 Unified Entry Exams Appeal Committee.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini met the Head of Trade Union Irakli Petriashvili. The goal of the meeting was to normalize the labor relations between education institutions and trade unions of Georgia.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Irine Kurdadze and United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative in Georgia Jamie McGoldrick met the directors of professional education institutions and present them 750 text-books.
In the Scope of the President’s initiative programme ”Safe School”, surveillance systems were installed in more than 20 public schools of Tbilisi. The process of installing is underway at other public schools of the capital, Kutaisi and Batumi.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini held the briefing on the beginning of the new academic year. By the announcement of the Minister, the exact dates of the beginning and ending of the academic year were defined and they won’t change.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini and the Governor of Kvemo Kartli region Davit Kirkitadze got familiarized with rehabilitative works at Public Schools №7 and №21 of Rustavi.