The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Deputy Lia Gigauri opened Educational Technology Conference, which aims to study the process of ICT use of best practices and experience to teachers, experts, universities and representatives of educational technology-based organizations, as well as in the field of innovation stakeholders informed.
The thematic directions at conference are teaching and learning in the digital age; Management and Leadership;
Experts and trainers, as well as schools, ICT companies, international organizations, academia, and representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science took part in theConference.
More than 250 specialists are involved in the event. Among them, the 58 persons involved in the speaker.
The Conference is sponsored and supported by Intel, Microsoft, and Liberty Bank and Esabi.
3-day conference format is diverse and consists of plenary speeches from invited experts; Parallel sessions, where the participants information and communication technologies implimentation best practices, strategies and innovative ideas presents; Poster sessions, which will be presented in interactive mode with the school, a teacher or a successful project information and a variety of examples of good practice; Technology sessions "bring your own device", a computer facility consists of practical work. Also, school visit, information and communication technologies, best practices and case studies to demonstrate the technology in order to get acquainted.
On the first day of the conference held the Technology Fair organized by the companies, which are operating in the field of technology or create products for the educational segment. The exhibition aims to present the possibilities of companies, which offers advanced technology in the field of education, as well as getting the information by feedback from the schools needs The exhibition will be organized for interested persons to get acquainted with the practical activities of a particular technology.
Over the past experience, the conference organizers predict that the conference will promote the use of new technologies in the learning process and the development of strategies by teachers; Heads of schools will receive more information on how you can improve the results of student learning technologies, as well as how to introduce and promote implimentation digital culture in school; IST's managers will receive information on school information and communication infrastructure development opportunities; Universities will have the opportunity to learn about the teaching skills of the latest trends and initiatives; Companies will receive information about the school's needs and challenges, the East's classroom using the latest trends, technical infrastructure development strategies and models.
All conference participants will receive a certificate.
Educational Technology Conference is held annually. to participate in the conference, there is specially designed web, subject to registration. Keynote web may make the agenda, a brief look through the resumes and select the sessions, which are open to want. The event will close on November 22.