

First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Ketevan Natriashvili delivered adaptive equipment to vocational educational institutions to facilitate study and teaching of blind pupils and pupils with impaired vision. The equipment consists of 12 portable video-magnifiers and Braille displays.
By the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the pupils from the different regions of Georgia spend their holidays at Kachreti Vocational College “Aisi” and simultaneously learn various professions.
Within the frameworks of the visit of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Aleksandre Jejelava to Austria, an important meeting was held with the world famous scientist, president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Professor Anton Zeilinger.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia conducts the Creaton to reveal the best creative ideas for development of children’s cognitive animated series. Within the frameworks of the competition, the participants will compete in two directions during 8 hours:
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava held several important meetings within the frameworks of the two-day working visit in Vienna, together with the Ambassador of Georgia to Austria - Konstantine Zaldastanishvili, he also met President of the Austrian Science Fund, Klement Tockner and other representatives of the Fund.
Qualifying contest starts for bilingual assistant teachers for the young people from the ethnic minorities.
A new vocational educational institution will be built in Zestafoni Municipality, with the purpose to support to filling and employment of professional staff of the construction industry.
Students of the higher educational institutions are allowed to apply to mobility and to move to other higher education institutions twice a year. For this a student shall get registered on the electronic portal -
The Conference of International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) was ended in Vienna, where about 400 universities from 75 countries, including approximately 30 Georgian state and private higher educational institutions took part. The conference was a unique opportunity for our universities to present their international potential, and the contacts that have been established with... Read More
Within the framework of the International Conference of University Presidents of Vienna, the solemn reception – Georgian evening was held at the Hofburg Palace, where the conference participants, the representatives of the Georgian and Austrian governments were invited. The dance group of the Georgian National University danced the Georgian national dances at the event to present the... Read More
Within the framework of the working visit in Racha-Lechkhumi region, Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava, together with the representatives of the Millennium Challenge Account, visited Simon Skhirtladze Oni Public School, viewed the performed rehabilitation works and met with the teachers.
Subsequent working meeting of the National Vocational Education Council (NVETC) was held. The meeting, headed by Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava, was attended by the social partners and the representatives of colleague ministries.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the German International Cooperation Society (GIZ) organized a seminar for vocational education teachers and students, involved in piloting of the Winemaker’s Educational Program with the dual approach. Within the framework of the event, participants got acquainted with the functions of the National Wine Agency, wine sector development... Read More
Within the framework of the visit to Racha-Lechkhumi region, I visited Ambrolauri Vocational College “Erkvani”. Qualified and competitive specialists of various fields meeting the requirements of the labor market are trained in the college. 
The Memorandum was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Organization “Save the Children International” in order to promote inclusive education.
The coordination meeting of donors was organized by the Vocational Education Development Department at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. The meeting was attended by the international organizations working in the field of vocational education in Georgia.
Petre Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics of LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of Earth Sciences of LEPL Ilia State University, Membrane Technologies Engineering Institute of Georgian Technical University and V. Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics are... Read More
The Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava, CEO of Millennium Challenge Account Magda Maghradze and General Manager of BP Georgia Chris Shliter visited Georgian Technical University (GTU), where they viewed the modern laboratory arranged within the framework of the Georgian Technical Training Center and got acquainted with the training process of... Read More
The Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Aleksandre Jejelava hosted the delegation of the two Ministries under the guidance of Mohamed Farhad, the Minister of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Together with the Minister of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran, there were representatives of the... Read More
The military base in village Manavi, Sagarejo, is one of the locations that will host 1056 students in July-September of 2017 (132 students per stream). The camp is carried out together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Ministry of Defense of Georgia, LEPL Children and Youth Center of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava, Executive Director of Millennium Challenge Account - Magda Magradze and the staff of the Account visited the newly rehabilitated Public School of Okureshi. The Millennium Challenge Account has carried out complete rehabilitation within the Millennium Challenge Compact of the US Government. The Ministry of... Read More
Cooperation between the International Center for Education and the University of South Utah will be held within the framework of the qualification development program.
The European Union is working on a new framework-project for supporting Georgia. 49 million euro budget and technical assistance, which is allocated for Georgia within the framework of the project, will mainly focus on the development of economic and market capabilities and will be based on the experience of the current program (27 million EUR budget support project).
Civic Education Program “Future Generation” held a summarizing event, where the director of the program “Future Generation”, Marina Ushveridze, summarized the three-year work program in 480 schools of Georgia.
The International Center for Education is pleased to announce the qualification improvement program abroad 2017.
Baxwood International School in Tskneti is one of the locations, where 3000 pupils from different parts of Georgia will have holidays for a week during summer (several streams, 250-250 pupils per stream). 
As it is known for public, introduction of a new national curriculum begins from 2018-2019 academic years. The National Curriculum Department conducts revision of the curriculum and, therefore, within the framework of revision, organizes cycle of working meetings with teachers, pupils, professional associations and all stakeholders, in order to familiarize with the planned innovations in new... Read More
The summarizing conference of school clubs of pupils’ programming (coding) was held in the Technical Park, where pupils presented computer games arranged on the platform.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Ketevan Natriashvili held a business meeting with representatives of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
Contest announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Center for International Education – “Scholarship for Hungarian Students and Researchers” for the 2017 academic year was completed. 
George Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology, together with the Pasteur Institute of France held an International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the discovery of phages. About 100 delegates from 25 countries participated in the conference.
Final event of Georgian National Intellectual Championship "Etalon 2016-2017" was held in Batumi. "Etalon 2016-2017" is implemented within the social-educational project "Etalon" and its financial support is the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has participated in the Youth Job Fest. The representatives of the Ministry familiarized the job seekers with vacant positions for interns in the department and provided them with information on vocational education programs and providers. The discussion touched upon the role and importance of vocational education as the shortest way to... Read More
Vice Premier of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava, met with the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev within the official visit to Azerbaijan. During the meeting, they discussed the necessity of deepening cooperation between countries in sphere of education and science.
A joint event of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Informational Medical-Psychological Center “Tanadgoma” was held, where the results of the pilot project – “Promotion to introduction of lessons on healthy lifestyle within the subject “Citizenship” in Tbilisi schools” - were summarized.
The summer camp of pupils took start on June 21, 2017 and will continue until September, 2017. The first camps are hosted by Baxwood International School in Tskneti.
In July 2017, every Wednesday and Friday, from 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 p.m., the information meetings about the Fulbright Graduate Student Program for the 2018-2019 academic years will be held.
Public college “Spectrum” opened a new training-center on the basis of company “Artisans’ City”, where dual education will be piloted in the direction of “Carpenter”, “Artistic Processing of Wood” and “Furniture Designing Specialties”.
The next meeting of the Rectors’ Council was held with participation of the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava. 
The project of retraining has been launched for the representatives of those companies providing public school catering facilities. Within the framework of the new project, all business operators of the public schools, i.e. the persons responsible for the healthy nutrition of the schoolchildren, will be retrained by the end of the current year.
The University City equipped with the largest, state-of-the-arts infrastructure and the newest laboratories in the Caucasus region will be built in Kutaisi. 
The specialists of the International Technical University of Munich (TUM International) will develop the Kutaisi University Complex development plan, academic and research programs together with the Georgian side. Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia - Teimuraz Murgulia and Managing Director of International Technical University of Munich - Daniel Gottschald signed the relevant... Read More
“Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) – Georgia” implements the projects in the general, professional and higher education sector through the140 million USD grant (compact) assigned by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) of the US Government to Georgia. At this stage, 19 public schools have been rehabilitated and equipped with the laboratories (in total, 5336 pupils).
588 graduates of Tbilisi schools were awarded with gold medals for completion of the 2015-2016 academic years with honors.
For enhancement of pupils’ motivation, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia carries out certain projects or programs, including “Subprogram of Medals of Successful Pupils”, aiming to encourage pupils’ academic achievements and to present successful pupils.
Promotion of realization of the vocational education potential was discussed at the second forum of Education Policy, organized by UNICEF Georgia, World Bank and TSU International School of Economics (ISET).
According to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, the rule of external observation was approved within the framework of commencement of teachers’ activities, professional development and career advancement scheme. The rule regulates the processes related to external observation in order to observe the lessons conducted by the senior teacher. Registration for... Read More
The fourth and fifth grade pupils of Kutaisi schools made the “height measuring decoder” on the free lessons of applied physics, mathematics and informatics and thus made their idea completely realized. This unique tool measures any height, including in inaccessible areas.
Vocational education teachers in the direction of construction and tourism were on study visit in Slovakia. The project “European Teacher” was initiated and organized by the Information Center on NATO and EU. The teachers were selected through competition.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University celebrated 95th anniversary of famous Georgian historian Mariam Lortkipanidze today with scientific conference – “Mariam Lortkipanidze - 95”.
For the first time this year Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service are implementing the joint scholarship program „Rustaveli-DAAD“.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science, Aleksandre Jejelava visited the new building of Caucasus University. 
Board of Directors of public and private schools meet every month and discuss the issues that are urgent for all schools of Georgia, including the problematic issues that unite the certain schools; exactly discussing each of them and seeking ways to solve them is the purpose of the Board. Subsequent session was held in Tbilisi Public School № 117 and was led by the Vice Prime Minister of... Read More
Free lessons were successfully implemented in Tbilisi 60th Public School, within the frameworks of which pupils carried out the projects - “Decoupage i.e. renewal of old things” and “Creation of Hand-made Books”. They breathed new life into the old, damaged and useless things, renewed them and brought them back to their functions, made plots, illustrations and... Read More
Under the initiative and by organization of the coalition “Education for All” and the National Center for Teacher Professional Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the National Teacher Prize campaign and its selection contest is underway with s slogan - “Future is in Education”.  This initiative is carried out for the first time... Read More
In the course of revision of the National Curriculum, it is very important to discuss the revised National Curriculum with different interested groups. School pupils belong that huge group, which are directly applied by the changes in the National Curriculum. Hence, it is essential to introduce them to the news related to the National Curriculum and to hear their opinions about this issue in... Read More
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and International Education Center are announcing the contest for Hungarian students and researchers for the 2017 academic year. Interested people will get education in summer schools in Georgia.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Aleksandre Jejelava hosted a high-level delegation of the US Peace Corps and the US Ambassador to Georgia Ian Kelly. The Peace Corps delegation was represented under the guidance of the Acting Associate Director Sheila Crowley. Among the members of the delegation was Matt McKinney, a representative of the Peace Corps... Read More
High-school graduates presented interesting and innovative projects for the joint scholarship competition of Ilia State University and business forum “Forbes” for the high-school graduates registered on unified national examinations. Among them 3 winners were announced:
“"Our victory depends on the faith and hope that you give us”, “these words said from your little hearts mean a lot to us“, „I’m happy that as great people as you and your friends worry about us”… This is the beginning of the response letters received by the pupils of Georgian-American High School from the soldiers being in the peacekeeping mission... Read More
The Media Technologies Laboratory and Students’ TV were opened at the Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technologies and Social Sciences of Georgian Technical University. Within the framework of the laboratory, students, professors and all interested people, along with the strengthening of the practical component of the learning process, will also be given the opportunity to create the... Read More
Discussions about the effective measures, that would assist the pupils in improvement of their achievements and in general enhancement of the quality of school education, were held on the second day of the conference dedicated to the main challenges of the school education.
By organization of the National Assessment and Examinations Center (NAEC), a two-day conference – “State and International Assessment: Main Education Challenges for School Education” is held.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Tariel Khechikashvili and the representatives of sport federations attended the sports events of the pupils and summarized the progress of the project within the framework of the project on introduction of healthy lifestyle in schools.
Through invitation of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP) and the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia, within the framework of the project “Experience of Estonian Reform and Solicitation of Estonian Experts in Eastern Partnership Countries”, the representatives of the Internal Audit Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia visited... Read More
The primary education project (G-PriEd) was carried out through funding of the US Agency for International Development and assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, where 585 public schools (28% of the Georgian schools) and 121 000 pupils were involved. Within the framework of the project, 7944 teachers of Georgian language, Mathematics and Georgian as a second language... Read More
Conclusive - summary training regarding the project of the psychological service center of the Office of the Resource Officers of the Educational Institution – “Child Abuse” was held in Akhaltsikhe. Deputy Minister of Education and Science Lia Gigauri delivered the certificates to the participants. The main goal of the project was prevention of violence, identification of cases... Read More
Vocational College “Spectrum” has been fully adapted for the students with disabilities. The ramps, adaptated bathrooms for persons using wheelchairs, sensory paths, railings, staircases and railings signs, contrasting zones, handles, doors for blind people and people with weak eyesight were installed. The laboratories were also equipped, the first phase of rehabilitation of student... Read More
Within the framework of the project “Advancement of Vocational TVET Programs of in Georgian Civil Aviation”, the Georgian Aviation University has held a conference in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science. The aim of the conference was to advance the vocational TVET programs of the Georgian Civil Aviation and to introduce the opportunities of private sector... Read More
President of Poland Andrzej Duda paid a state visit to Tbilisi today. The president of Poland arrived in Georgia with his wife Agatha Kornhauser-Duda. Vice-Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejeleva, Head of the Administration of President Giorgi Abashishvili, Foreign Relations Secretary of President Tengiz Pkhaladze and other officials met the President of... Read More
A working meeting was held in the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia for the purpose of inclusive education monitoring. At the meeting, the organization “Dea” introduced the outcomes of the research carried out through support of the European Union to the representatives of the international and local NGOs, and presented the updated tools / questionnaires of monitoring.
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed among the Georgian National University - SEU, “Block Invest” and “Vatel Group” regarding opening of the International University – “Vatel Georgia”, the official presentation was attended by the Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science... Read More
მასწავლებელთა პროფესიული განვითარების ეროვნული ცენტრმა, ინფორმაციულ-საკომუნიკაციო ტექნოლოგიების გამოწვევების შესაბამისად, სპეციალურად... Read More
The scientific delegation of Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law of Germany, under guidance of Professor Hans-Jörg Albrecht, Director of the Institute visited the Georgian Technical University.
Significant changes have been carried out within the framework of the Higher Education Quality Assurance Reform. The aim of the reform is to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions and to provide student-oriented educational environment.
This year program “Erasmus+” becomes 30 years old. The program was first launched in 1987 and initially covered the European countries only. Georgian universities have been participating in the program since 1995 and the students exchange programs have been introduced for our citizens ten years ago. The program “Erasmus+” promotes partnership with the European universities... Read More
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Lia Gigauri, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Shalva Khutsishvili and Rector of the MIA Academy Givi Mikanadze got acquainted with the progress of the new academic project “One Day in Academy”. The project is implemented by the MIA Academy in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
On May 22-23, 2017, Batumi hosted the first International Business Forum (IBF Batumi) across the Caucasus, with 6 world-class speakers and the delegates from 14 countries participating in it. The forum participants were welcomed by Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava. This business forum of unique format combines the world-class speakers, large... Read More
Vocational education teachers will visit the vocational education institutions in Slovakia within the scope of the study tour in the direction of tourism and construction. During the study tour, the teachers will have an opportunity to observe the learning process, working and learning environment, to hold the meetings with their Slovak colleagues and to collaborate with them.
The next meeting of the Rectors’ Council was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava opened the meeting and talked about several important issues, including the necessity of use of more modern technologies in the teaching / learning process in universities and suggestion of short-term... Read More
The exhibition “The Knight in Tiger’s Skin and Rustaveli” was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Activity - “Parent – A School Employee” was held in the Public School №51. The aim of the activity was active, regular participation of the parents in education of their children, their maximum involvement in the primary, basic and secondary education process. Each parent had an opportunity to plan and give the lessons with the representatives of different departments, to... Read More
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava paid an official visit to Armenia. Within the framework of the visit, the meeting was held with the Minister of Education and Science of Armenia Levon Mkrtichyan, where the parties discussed the issue of strengthening of cooperation in the field of education and science.
Please see the schedule for the school graduation exams of 2016-2017 academic years (11th grade) below:
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Aleksandre Jejelava talked about amendments to the Law on Development of Education Quality at the Government Meeting that will enhance the image of the higher education institutions as well as the quality of internationalization of employment of the graduates.
Infrastructure projects implemented by LEPL Educational and Scientific Infrastructure Development Agency in 2013-2016:
Within the framework of the project “Vocational Education for Economic Development”, the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) and Public College “Spectrum” held a business conference in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
By organization of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the US Embassy Civil Defense Group and the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, the meeting was held with the public school pupils and their parents in Marneuli Municipality in order to raise awareness about inclusive education and attitude towards the people with disabilities.
The Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany Gerd Müller is visiting Georgia. Müller’s visit to Georgia is related to the 25th anniversary of the development of cooperation between Georgia and Germany.
Zurab Zhvania School of Public Administration of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia celebrated the Day of Society for Spreading of Literacy with the event. The winners of the contest “My European Georgia” held within the framework of the European Week were awarded. The contest was carried out with assistance of the premium “Saba” and NATO Information... Read More
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava discussed future cooperation with Gerd Müller, the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava met the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany Gerd Müller at the airport.
The “National Teacher Prize” will be established for the first time in Georgia with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. For this purpose, the Memorandum of Cooperation was signed among the Coalition “Education for All – Georgia”, the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Teacher Professional Development Center.
At the Civic Education Teachers’ Forum, the teachers from all regions of Georgia got acquainted with innovations in civic education and the photo exhibition reflecting success, implemented with the support of teachers within the framework of the Civic Education Project.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava and State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civil Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili discussed the issues of access to education for the people living in the occupied territories, at the meeting held with the representatives of the international educational centers, foundations and the diplomatic... Read More
Large part of the renovation works was completed in the college, the building was adapted for the students with special educational needs. With the purpose to increase access to learning, “New Wave” will continue the process of arrangement of the learning infrastructure.
Foundation “Innove” of the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia, as well as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is involved in implementation of the Georgian-Estonian educational project “Strengthening of Access to Quality Education for Georgian Children”. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia.
“Teacher and School Director Professional Development Project” of “Millennium Challenge Account – Georgia”, implemented by the National Center for Teacher Professional Development, starts large-scale retraining of teachers and directors of non-Georgian language schools for the first time in general education.
Information day of program “Horizon 2020” was held to the direction of information and communication technologies, where the presentation on the topic “Rules and Advices on Participation in Program Horizon 2020, Current Competition, Activities of Marie-Skladowska-Curie, SME Instrument and Twinning Activities” was presented.
Batumi private multi-profile secular school “Gorda”, founded in 2002, has moved to a new, well-furnished and modernly equipped building. Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Aleksandre Jejelava and Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of Adjara Inga Shamilishvili congratulated the new building to the school management, teachers and pupils and... Read More