Organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, a business meeting was held regarding the research and innovation program Horizon 2020. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the practical aspects of participating in the program Horizon 2020, with the help of implementing agencies and organizations through the lenses of science, technology and innovation.
The event was attended by the representatives of the European Commission General Directorate for Research and Innovation, which are directly involved in the development of the Eastern Partnership countries. There were several major topics discussed throughout the meeting such as: the general priorities for the EU research and innovation program Horizon 2020, the working schedule/program, the ongoing and planned competitions/contests, the network of National Contact Points and its improvement mechanisms, the information through a portal to submit the project request, financial regulations, separate software destinations, such as Marie Skladowsca Curie Action, funding opportunities for the European Research Council (ERC). It should be underlined that the officials of the European Commission recommended specific steps, and inititiaves, which can be implemented to farther promote the integration into the Horizon 2020 program and thus helping the Georgian scientists for the effect use of the program.
The event was attended by the National Contact Points of "Horizon 2020", the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA). The meeting was also attended by the representatives of the Horizon 2020 associated countrues, who shared their experiences with their Georgian colleagues. Additionally, they presented reports regarding their countries’ involvment in the program and discussed challenged they encountered throughout the process.
A workshop was under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP7) funded project “the network for Eastern Aartnership countries (EaP) in Science, Technology and International Cooperation” – IncoNet Eap framework.