

One of the priorities of the state is the development of vocational education. Based on the labor market, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia plans more development of the nations vocational education. Based on the initiative of the Ministry, everyone can pursue a vocational education and develop his/her skills.
The Week of Art, initiated by SROs for pupils, continues.  Pupils of №24 Public School visited the I. Chavchavadze Memorial museum. The guests went through memorial staff and documentaries of the great Georgian author and public figure.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, held a working meeting with the principals of Tbilisi, Kutaisi, and Batumi public schools at the Teachers’ House. The Minister discussed issues of 1st grader registration. high school exit exams, and school infrastructure rehabilitation.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini and the Rector of Tbilisi State University, Aleksandre Kvitashvili, laid the foundation of a new school in the village Khovle.
An International School of Design will be opened in Georgia as part of the Georgian Technical University. The school will be under the patronage of the famous automobile designer Giorgetto Giugiuaro.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, together with the Ministry of Justice, initiated the contest for the creation of a logo and slogan for the state Anti Drug campaign.
The Ministry program for supporting ethnic minorities in receiving a higher education continues. This initiative was proposed by the President of Georgia.
The Mayor of Tbilisi, Gigi Ugulava, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini, Minister of Sports and Youth, Lado Vardzelashvili and First Deputy of the Chief Prosecutor Davit Sakvarelidze met with the family members of drug addicted people and discussed with them the details of the state Anti Drug Campaign.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, held a meeting with Kanat Sadikov, the Minister of Education of Kyrgyzstan, and introduced him to Georgias current educational reforms.
The Georgia Central Public Health Reference Laboratory (CPHRL) is the result of a collaborative effort between the Government of the United States and the Government of Georgia. The facility was established with the financial support of the US Department of Defense.
Professors of leading European Universities are delivering lectures in clinical and basic medicine at Tbilisi State University as part of a project initiated by the President of Georgia.
Art Week was launched by the initiative of the school resource officers (SRO). As part of this celebratory week, resource officers will visit museums together with students from different schools.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, with the support of the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), is implementing the project “Supporting Development of Pre-Schools Education Sector at Local Levels.
The certification process of the staff of the Ministrys Internal Audit Departmenti has concluded. All employees of this staff have successfully passed their required tests. To recognize their achievement, the Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, personally awarded a breastplate to the six best employees.
Representatives of twenty-five international universities are visiting Georgia. Today, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini and other members of Georgian Government met the foreign guests and discussed with them the concept of establishing a Technical University in Batumi.
Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Davit Bakradze and Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini opened a Language House in the village Iormughanlo of Sagarejo Municipality and laid the foundation of two new schools in the villages Iormughanlo and Lambalo.
A Law Olympiad was held today with the support of the Tbilisi City Court and the Ministry of Education and Science. Main goals of the Olympiad include establishing ties among prospective lawyers and the court, enhancing the knowledge of law students and developing their professional skills, and preventing crime.
Project Harmony Inc. (PH International) in Georgia has been implementing the Applied Civic Education and Teacher Training Program since 2010. The Program is being operated in collaboration with support the Ministry of Education and Education and Science of Georgia, with the financial support of USAID.
In order to prepare teachers for certification exams, the National Center for Teacher Professional Development organizes seminars and trainings for teachers throughout Georgia. Today, the Minister attended a training for experimental methodology and the development of professional skills.
An exhibition of photos taken by teachers and school students was held in the Tbilisi Classical Gymnasium. Money gathered from the charity event has been transferred to the account of the Union of Parents of  Oncological- Hematological Patients.
The Microsoft "Imagine Cup" is the world’s premier student technology competition. This year, Georgia was invited to join the contest. In 2012, the competition will address the following theme: Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems. The winning team will take a trip to Sydney, Australia next July to compete at the Imagine Cup 2012 Worldwide Finals.
Tbilisi Mayor’s office engaged in an Anti-Drug campaign together with the Parliament of Georgia, the national government, and the Prosecutor’s office.
The presentation of the website and logo of the Summer Job program was held in the Ministry of Education and Science, and was attended by the Minister of Education and Science, Dimitri Shashkini, as well as the Minister of the Sport and Youth Affairs, Lado Vardzelashvili.
Professors of leading European Universities will deliver lectures in clinical and basic medicine at Tbilisi State University as a part of a project initiated by the President of Georgia. Today, Minister Dimitri Shashkini met the foreign guests.
By initiative of the President of Georgia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the Ministry of Justice will launch a new program for the prevention of juvenile crime.
The third round of the national Olympiad started on 3rd of March with an Olympiad in Chemistry; for the first time, participants of the Chemistry and Physics Olympiad will take a separate test in conducting lab work.
SROs have presented another gift to school students. Students of №39 and №74 Public Schools and the №1 Experimental School have visited the Georgian Art Palace. The youths observed ancient exhibits at the museum.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, and the Head of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development Center, Gia Mamulashvili, visited the certified teacher of Tbilisi Public School #171 and mother of 4 children, Mzia Kvintradze, and wished her a happy Mother’s Day.
The International Education Fair 2012 has been organized in the Tbilisi Marriott for the 3rd and 4th of March.  As a part of the exhibition, European educational institutions will make presentations on their learning programs, student living expenses and conditions, and extra curriculum activities offered by the respective institutions.
President Mikheil Saakashvili met with students of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Caucasus University. The President has informed the students about new challenges Georgia currently faces and introduced them to new initiatives in the field of higher education.
A briefing was held on the case of Mikheil Aleksidze- a student who was expelled from Tbilisi public school №53. Anna Kebadze, Head of the Division of General Education Development, explained that it is necessary that correct information, in regard to the cases of students who have been expelled from school due to the violation of school internal regulations, be made public.
Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia took part in the jury moot courts at Tbilisi Civil Court. School Teachers, Lecturers, School Principals and Resource Officers have participated in the trial as Jury members and issued the verdict for the grave crime against the accused.
The Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, opened a Natural Science Lab at the Ilia University. The experiments will be held in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the new lab.
The National Center for Teacher Professional Development Center under the Ministry created a first electronic educational newspaper. The presentation of the new portal was held at the Sheraton Metechi Palace.
The Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, visited the Levan Samkharauli National Forensics Bureau and observed its science labs equipped with up to date facilities, then,  accompanied by the chair of the Bureau, met with the Bureaus students.
The Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, opened the Criminalistics Lab at the Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University. The qualified personnel of the lab will teach students different aspects and techniques of criminalistics such as collecting evidence, solving different cases, investigative methods, interpretation of laboratory findings, etc.
On February 25-27 hotel “Radisson Batumi” hosted the conference of International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), which was organized by the Caucasus University with support of other universities and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
“The Contest in Georgian Calligraphy” organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the National Center of Manuscripts was declared open. Pupils, students and adults of Georgia as well as Georgian immigrants can participate in the contest.
A new web-site,, has been launched. This web-site collects articles from all blogs that have information concerning the education sector and reforms currently implemented in the education system of Georgia.
The participants of the International Education Fair 2012 met the Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, to familiarize themselves with the ongoing reforms in Georgian education system, to establish contacts with the respective educational institutions, and to launch joint educational projects.
In the scope of the Week of Occupation, School Resource Officers (SROs) spent one day with the children of fallen soldiers. SROs visited the Ethnographic museum with the children and learned about hundreds of different historic facts.
In the scope of the Week of Occupation, another meeting was held at “Green School”. Schoolchildren, teachers and School Resource Officers (SROs) discussed the tragic event of Russian Occupation in 1921.
A literature and musical performance was staged at Tbilisi Public School № 52 to commemorate those cadet officers who died in 1921 while fighting for Georgia’s independence.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has organized the contest “Episodes of Russia’s Occupation of Georgia” as part of the "Week of Occupation”.
Schoolchildren of Tbilisi Public School №6 held the presentation the project dedicated to the Russia’s occupation of Georgia in February 1921.  The schoolchildren had been working on the project for several weeks.
In the scope of the initiative “Don’t Worry, Be Healthy”, First Lady Sandra Roelofs and Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Irine Kurdadze visited Samtredia Public School №11 and met the schoolchildren of 4th, 10th and 11th grades.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia hosted the children of soldiers fallen in the Russia-Georgia August 2008 war. Deputy Minister Nodar Surguladze presented net-books to 19 successful 2nd and 3rd graders.
In 2012, certified teachers of the natural sciences will take a separate exam in conducting of the scientific experiments and will receive an additional 75 GEL to their salaries. In order to prepare teachers for certification exams, the National Center for Teacher Professional Development organizes seminars and training for teachers throughout Georgia.
The Ministry will provide financing for another 70 scientific and research projects. The projects will be oriented on producing new knowledge, analyzing innovative ideas and concepts, and developing high tech and industrial products, amoung other goals.
International Education Fair 2012,  which is organized by the Ministry, the Tbilisi Mayor’s Office, and the exhibition center “ Expo Georgia,” was opened by the Minister, Dimitri Shashkini. The exhibition will be held from the 23th of February till the 26th of February and 81 Georgian educational institutions and 13 international universities will present their... Read More
First Deputy Minister, Koka Sepherteladze, together with students from Tserovani public school #3, visited the Museum of Soviet Occupation. Every year, in the second half of February, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia organizes different events dedicated to the remembrance of and education about the Russian occupation of Georgia.
Resource Officers and representatives of Lukoil Georgia visited an orphanage and spent a day with the resident children. As a part of the joint event, the guests presented the children with gifts and helped the teachers of the orphanage to solve day-to-day issues.
Schoolchildren of Tbilisi Public School #51 joined the Red Poppy Campaign, which has been organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Publishing House “Prime Time” in commemoration of fallen soldiers.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia is organizing the contest “Episodes of Russia’s Occupation of Georgia”. The aim of the contest is to fully inform students on Russian aggression in 1921 and in 2008.
Education Management Information System (EMIS) is a newly established legal entity of public law under the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. Its current and ongoing projects, as well as the structure of the institution, were discussed during a presentation.
Four hundred fifty first graders of Caucasus University were presented with netbooks. The presentation ceremony took place in the head office of the TBC bank. The program of awarding of all first graders of the mentioned institution has been running for four years already. The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Minister, Nodar Surguladze, who also delivered a welcoming speech.
In commemoration of fallen soldiers, the Red Poppy campaign has begun at Tbilisi Classical Gymnasium as a part of the Week of Occupation. As a symbol of remembrance, students will wear red poppy brooches for the next week.
The preparatory trainings for the Certification Exams are underway at the Teachers’ House. Trainings for teachers in professional skills and their respective subjects are organized free of charge by the National Center for Teacher Professional Development.
Every year, in the second half of February, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia organizes different events dedicated to the Russian occupation. The aim of these activities is to fully inform students about Russian aggression in 1921 and in 2008.
Georgian governmental organizations and agencies are becoming involved in the students’ employment project initiated by MES, “Summer Jobs,” during the summer holidays.
An exhibition-fair of hand-made crafts produced by schoolchildren with special needs was organized at the vocational college “Ikarosi”. Handmade crafts, such as paintings, different applications, embroidery, tick felt and ceramic decorations, woven and hand-made dolls, and jewelry, were displayed at the exhibition-fair.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Giorgi Chakhnashvili, presented a personal computer to the socially vulnerable student of Abkhazia Public School #2, Shorena Gigashvili.
The Ministry will fund the participation of researchers and scientists in international conferences, congresses, forums, symposia and seminars. The winning projects will be selected as part of the grant competition administered by the Rustaveli National Science Foundation.
A program for supporting ethnic minorities in receiving a higher education, continues. This initiative was proposed by the President of Georgia. Quotas are defined specially for Azeri and Armenian entrants for the 2012 national unified exams; they are asked to take a general ability test in their own languages (Azeri and Armenian), on the basis of which the students are enrolled at... Read More
In order to prevent law violation among youth, the Geopolitical Research International Center has created the book “My Rights and Responsibilities”. Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Irine Kurdadze held apresentation of the book for the stuents of Tbilisi Public School №24.
During his visit to the United States of America, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Mr. Dimitri Shashkini, held a working meeting at the United States Congress. The Minister met with the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Mr. John Boehner.
In the scope of his visit in USA, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, met with Chief of Staff of the Speaker of the House of the US Representatives, Barry Jackson.
Minister Dimitri Shashkini met with the Chairman of the US Congress Committee on International Relations, Steve Chabot. The current reforms and ongoing projects in Georgian education system were discussed at the meeting.
Minister Dimitri Shahkini held a face-to-face meeting with congressman (R-PA) Mike Kelly. Mr. Mike Kelly positively assessed the reforms undertaken towards the enhancement of democratic institutions in Georgia, and took an interest in the different educational projects.
As a part of his ongoing visit to the US, the Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, held a meeting with the Head of the Committee of Europe and Eurasia, Jean Schmidt. During this meeting, Jean Schmidt positively assessed the ongoing developments in the Georgian field of education and emphasized that the undertaken reforms will add much to the development of the whole country.
Native English-Speaking Teachers continue to arrive to Georgia as participants of the educational program “Teach and Learn with Georgia.” Today, a new group of teachers arrived from different counties around the world.
As part of his ongoing visit to the US, the Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, held a meeting with a representative of the US State Department, Assistant Secretary Anna Stocki. At the meeting, the two discussed the ongoing reforms and current trends in the Georgian educational system. The program “Teach and Learn with Georgia,“ which was launched last year and has been continuosly... Read More
Business organizations and businessmen are becoming involved in the students’ employment project initiated by MES, “Summer Jobs,” during the summer holidays. 
Journalists of the Associated Press interviewed the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, who is currently paying an official visit to USA. In his interview, the Minister discussed the democratic reforms that are being implemented in Georgia, focusing particularly on the Georgian educational system.
The Minister, Dimitri Shashkini, is currently conducting business in the US as part of an official visit. As part of his business plan, he oversaw the signing of a membership agreement between the American National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) and the Georgian Office of Resource Officers.
The Minister of Education and Science, Dimitri Shashkini, is paying an official visit to the US. As part of his official tour, the Minister held a meeting at the IRI head office. Bilateral cooperation of the US and Georgia was discussed at the working meeting.
A delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, chaired by the Minister Dimitri Shashkini, is paying an official visit in USA. As part of the visit, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the program of the Ministry “Teach and Learn with Georgia” (TLG) and ESL Certified.
The President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, opened a “Future Classroom” in Akhaltsikhe Public School №5. In this multifunctional, technology-equipped classroom, all lessons are conducted with educational tools displayed on the electronic interactive board as well as on personal monitors for each student.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has opened registration for the Teachers’ Certification Exams for the period of February 13-23. Teachers of all subjects can register for the exams.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia will open registration for the Teachers’ Certification Exams from February 13th to the 23rd. Teachers of all subjects will be able to register for the exams.
Resource Officers visited nursing home “Katarzisi”. They spent one day together with the elderly people and presented its residents with different gifts.
Fifty resource officers, who have successfully passed their officer training, were awarded with certificates. They took the training courses in the Academy of the Ministry of Interior.
Teachers of English language from different regions of Georgia have passed a training course in Great Britain. The course was organized by the National Center for Teacher Professional Development.
By the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, a new program, “Professional Retraining and Professional Orientation Trainings,” will be launched. In the scope of the program, 20,000 persons will be trained charged free in English Language, Computer Skills, and Professional Orientation.
“Caucasus University” signed a memorandum of cooperation today with Georgian public and private schools.  As part of the memorandum, Caucasus University will organize teacher’s training courses (in foreign languages, IT and Mathematics) and provide assistance to the selected schools in developing their websites.
The registration of candidates for the public school principals’ contest started today. Interested persons can register online from the 9th February until the 9th March. 
The Prime Minister of Georgia, Nika Gilauri, and other members of the Georgian government, opened a “Future Classroom” in Zugdidi Public School #1. In this multifunctional, technology-equipped classroom, all lessons are conducted with educational tools displayed on the electronic interactive board as well as on personal monitors for each student.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shahkini, announced today that schools throughout the whole country will be suspended until Monday, February 13th due to extremely heavy snowfall.
This year, the online registration of students for the nationwide Unified Entry Exams has been activated to the fullest extent. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, attended the online registration of 12th graders at Public School #72. 
A Museum of Zoology was renovated and opened in Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University as part of the project “Development of Infrastructure of Universities”, initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
The library of the Georgian Technical University was renovated and furnished with new rooms and depositories. The renewed library was opened by the Chairmen of the Parliament of Georgia, David Bakradze, and the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, met with media representatives in Gudauri, and discussed with them some previously implemented activities as well as the new initiatives of MES.
The Resource Officers of Rustavi schools visited an orphanage in Rustavi and presented the children with gifts. In the scope of the event, children showed their crafts to the guests and spoke about their future plans.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, visited the public schools of Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region to personally assess the current problems caused by a heavy snowfall.
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Giorgi Chakhnashvili, and Manager of the “KazTransGas-Tbilisi” company, Ana Taktakishvili, signed a memorandum which envisages “KazTransGas-Tbilisi” company providing a technical service for natural gas equipment at Tbilisi public schools.
Georgia was elected as the Vice-president of the International Bureau of Education of UNESCO for the second time. UNESCO’s choice is in direct recognition of the achievements of the current educational reforms implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has decided to symplify the procedures for student mobility and to set the time for students’ mobility for spring semester from February 3 to February 15.
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Irine Kurdadze, attended an Employers Forum organized by Vocational College “Ikarosi” and the Georgian Employers Association.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shahkini,  visited a swimming competition, which was held as part of a sports class at Public School №175. The winners were awarded and congratulated by the Minister. Last year in Public School №175, a new swimming pool was opened by a Presidential initiative to replace physical fitness lessons with sport classes.
Representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia presented 200 Georgian net-books to the Republic of Fiji during an official visit. The representatives of the Republic of Fiji expressed their gratitude to the Georgian Government and affirmed that receiving these net-books from Georgia is very important for them as Fiji’s Government is now implementing reforms of... Read More