

The Unified National Examinations 2020 continue. Today, entrants still tackle the Georgian language and literature exam throughout Georgia.
Ekaterine Dgebuadze, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, discussed the preparations for the 2020-21 academic year with Ghassan Khalil, UNICEF Representative in Georgia.
Nunu Mitskevichi, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia held an online meeting with the coordinating group of the National Examinations and summed up the first day.
On the first day of the national exams, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli visited Tbilisi Examination Centers and wished success to the entrants.
Owing to the decision of the Government of Georgia, the entrants living in the occupied territories will be enrolled in the selected higher education institutions without taking the unified national exams, in conjunction with the state funding their tuition fees in full.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, who is paying an official visit to Georgia. The ministers discussed issues of strengthening cooperation between Georgia and Hungary in the fields of education, science, culture, and sports.
The construction of a new, modern school in the village of Siktarva, Terjola Municipality, is in an active phase. The building for 140 students will be put into operation from the new academic year. 
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia is starting to restore the educational process at vocational education institutions.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli wished success to the entrants passing the Unified National Examinations. The Minister hopes the entrants will be satisfied with their results.
Nunu Mitskevichi, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia together with Sopho Gorgodze, Director of the National Assessment and Examinations Center (NAEC), visited the Examination Center located on the premises of Tbilisi Public School №103.
Tamar Kitiashvili, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, and Zviad Shalamberidze, State Representative in Imereti, visited Kutaisi Vocational College "Iberia", and handed over letters of appreciation and gifts to students and faculty members, who are involved in the process of sewing protective face masks.
A working meeting of the Alumni Association Advisory Board of the International Center for Education was held at the Government Administration. The main purpose of the meeting was to summarize the activities carried out by the Association in recent years and determine future plans.
Owing to the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, our fellow countrymen entrants living in Azerbaijan, who have registered for the Unified National Examinations in 2020 and are unable to enter Georgia due to the current situation, will be funded by the state.
Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli: "The Fourth of July is the Independence Day of the United States!
Ekaterine Dgebuadze, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia held a working meeting with the representatives of resource centers and school principals regarding the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year.
After a break of several months, the Georgian national and age basketball teams resumed their training. The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Shalva Gogoladze attended the training process, together with the President of the Basketball Federation, Paata Guraspaul and various sports media representatives.
On July 2, 1924, a few days after the start of the Paris Olympics, the International Sports Press Association was founded. The Association soon became a unifying organization of sports journalists from various countries.
the Interagency Coordination Council clarified the rules and regulations with regards to preventing the spread of coronavirus, while ensuring maximum protection of the participants during the examination process.   
Owing to the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, compulsory military service will be postponed until the end of the program. As a result, students will be able to continue the program uninterrupted.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli attended the anniversary virtual event of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and addressed the attending public. The event was opened by Jonathan Brooks, Vice President of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli met with US Ambassador to the United States. Kelly Deganan and USAID Mission Director in Georgia, Peter Wiebler to discuss a $7 million project, planned to be implemented within the scope of strategic partnership between the United States and Georgia.
Most of the vocational education institutions operating throughout Georgia have been inspected by the Inspecting Agency of the Ministry of Health and have received permission to resume the training process from July 6 this year.
The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Tamar Kitiashvili, held an introductory meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Georgia, Ran Gidor.
Nunu Mitskevichi, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia held a meeting with representatives of the Georgian Technical University and Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, where the guests held presentations on the ongoing projects and activities at their respective institution.
Levan Kharatishvili, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia participated in the plenary session of the Council of Europe Committee on Culture, Heritage and Landscaping.
Named after the fmous Georgian Olympic champion, Nugzar Asatiani, the newly renovated fencing hall was opened, equipped with modern dressing rooms and shower cabins. Safety standards are in full compliance with the modern requirements.
Owing to the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and organized by the Writers' House, the 10th Annual literary forum-dialogue will be held from June 30 to July 3. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the forum will be held in an online format this year and will be attended by foreign publishers and literary agents.
Another vocational college is being built in Khashuri to increase access to vocational education. The project is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. Deputy Minister, Tamar Kitiashvili, together with the Representative of Shida Kartli, Giorgi Khojevanishvili and other representatives of the local self-government, personally got acquainted with the... Read More
A webinar was held on June 25, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, the State Educational University of Physical Education and Sports, La Liga Business School, discussing Georgian Sport through and after Covid-19.
Tamar Kitiashvili, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia held another online meeting this time with representatives of the Information Technology (IT) industry.
A new vocational school is being built in the city of Marneuli. The project is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and the active involvement of local self-government.
To prevent the spread of coronavirus, based on the decision of the Inter-Agency Coordinating Council, headed by the Prime Minister, education has shifted to a distance learning format. Consequently, teachers faced significant challenges at general education level. 
Members of the Interagency Council for the Development of Spatial-Territorial Management System of Mtskheta held an outreach workshop in Mtskheta.
The Eastern Partnership European boasts its first-year graduates. The graduation ceremony, hosted by the project partner – New School, was attended by the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, 
Irakli Dolaberidze, Head of the Sports Development Department, attended the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Georgian National Olympic Committee.
All public schools will have the opportunity to create additional spots for first grade students for the 2020-2021 academic year, as agreed with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. 
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia has completed the process of textbook approval for some elementary level subjects, and basic level textbooks of grades VII-VIII. Schools will have the opportunity to choose the approved textbooks from June 22 to July 5, and as soon as the books are selected, the chosen ones will be printed and distributed to all public schools.
Owing to the decision of the Interagency Coordinating Council, museums and museum-reserves will be opened to the public gradually in various stages.
Owing to the decision of the Interagency Coordinating Council, museums and museum-reserves will be opened to the public according to a predetermined schedule; The process will be carried out in accordance with the established rules and regulations.
Tamar Kitiashvili, the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia held another online meeting with the representatives of the private sector to identify the problems caused by COVID-19 pandemic in vocational education.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli hosted the Ambassador of France to Georgia, Diego Colas.
With regards to opening domestic tourism in the country, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia offers the first mobile application of Georgian cultural routes. 
Owing to the funding of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, a full renovation is underway at the Telavi Vocational College - "Prestige".
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli and the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Maia Tskitishvili congratulated all 12th graders of Mikheil Gaprindashvili Lagodekhi Municipality Apeni Public School №1 on their graduation, in conjunction with signing the white T-shirts and wishing the students... Read More
Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia together with Maia Tskitishvili, Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia and local government officials inspected the construction process of public schools and the innovative center in Sighnaghi and Gurjaani municipalities and visited Bodbe St. Nino Convent.
Georgian Handball Federation has won the right to host two large-scale international tournaments. In 2021, Georgia will host the European Under-17 Women’s Championship, whereas in 2022, our country will have the honor to host the Under-18 Women’s World Championship.
With regards to the opening of domestic tourism in the country, owing to the decision of the Interagency Coordinating Council, museums and museum-reserves will gradually open to the public from June 20; The process will be carried out in accordance with the established rules and regulations.
A new textbook on Road Construction, was published for vocational education students and teachers.
Zurab Zhvania State Administration School announced an online registration of students on June 16. A platform has been created specifically on the school's official website, where any interested individual will be able to enroll. Before introducing the online registration option, the applicants had to come to specific training centers and fill out a special registration form in person.
Owing to initiative of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, the process of implementing "Minecraft Education Edition" as a pilot in schools is underway. The project, which is being introduced in partnership with Microsoft Georgia, as well as with an active involvement of Mindworks Education, aims to integrate Minecraft Education Edition at... Read More
June 14 marks the Day of Protection of the Rights of individuals with Disabilities in Georgia. On this occasion, the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Tamar Kitiashvili visited the Vocational College "Spektri", and met with students with special educational needs and personally got acquainted with the educational programs and tools available. 
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli held an online meeting with Natia Khuntua, the founder of the Atinati Charitable Foundation. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibilities of implementing joint projects in the field of education and culture.
The National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia held a presentation of its annual report, which was attended by Minister Mikheil Chkhenkeli.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli attended a presentation, held by the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, and addressed the public.
The campaign "Vocational Education for Businesses after Covid-19" with the private sector continues.  The Deputy Minister of Education, Tamar Kitiashvili, held an online meeting with the President of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Giorgi Pertaia, and with representatives of other interested stakeholders.
From June 13, on every weekend, TV school offers new opportunities to its students. Owing to the enormous support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and the British Council, a BBC English language course “Word on the Street” will start airing for the duration of five weeks on TV School. The BBC English course has been successfully broadcasted in Hong... Read More
In order to restore the creative activities in art and corresponding culture organizations in the country, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in cooperation with Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs, have developed general recommendations to tackle the new COVID-19 crisis.
Tamar Kitiashvili, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, together with a representative of the Ministry of Health held an online meeting with the directors of vocational colleges regarding the plan to launch a post-pandemic activities of vocational education institutions.
Amiran Gamkrelidze, Director General of the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, explained several points of the protocol regarding the 2020 Unified National Examinations at a press conference.
"As you all know, the situation created by the COVID-19 crisis has posed a number of challenges to the education system. The entire world is observing with great interest all the processes that were carried out to overcome the challenges facing education.
To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, and to ensure the maximum protection of  participants during the examination, while conducting the process in a full, coordinated manner, exam dates and rules have been set for Unified National Examinations, Magistrate Exams and Student Grant Competition by the Intergovernmental Council led by the Prime Minister.
The full restoration-renovation of the State Silk State Museum will begin in 2020. The project is implemented under the framework memorandum signed between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sportof Georgia, Tbilisi Municipality City Hall, Tbilisi Development Fund, International Association of Mayors of Partially or Entirely Francophone Cities, and LEPL Silk State Museum.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and the Sairme Academy of Tourism and Gastronomy are announcing the registration for the short-term vocational training program - "Hotel Room Management".
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Switzerland, conducted a survey in Georgia to study the socio-economic status of vocational education students and analyze the relationship between vocational education and the employment.
Meetings continue with the representatives of the private sector to discuss the Vocational Education for business after Covid-19 crisis.
On June 2, Shalva Gogoladze, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, addressed the Parliamentary Committee on Sports and Youth Affairs. Shalva Gogoladze spoke about the activities carried out by the Ministry under the conditions of the New Coronavirus pandemic in the field of sports. As it is known, last year, Georgian sports achieved distinguished results on the international... Read More
With the initiative and support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Microsoft, in collaboration with the Education Management Information System (EMIS), managed to translate Microsoft Teams into Georgian, enabling teachers to use the native language while providing lessons online.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli took part in the "Virtual International Summit on Learning (ISTP)" organized by the International Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) and the International Education Association (EI). To overcome the COVID-19 crisis in the field of education, representatives of different countries... Read More
Nunu Mitskevichi, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia held an online news conference with scientists and representatives of the medical field regarding COVID-19 and informed them about the 2nd special competition announced within the framework of Horizon 2020 program. The issue of creating a national scientific platform on COVID-19 was also discussed at the... Read More
Ekaterine Dgebuadze, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia held a working meeting with the Representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF Georgia) Ghassan Khalil and the Ambassadors of Bulgaria, Norway and Estonia on June 1, International Children's Day.
During the general isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, a special emphasis was put on conducting engaging, cognitive, and fun activities at home, which promote the development of various skills and creative thinking amongst children.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli congratulates the next generation on behalf of the Ministry on the International Children's Day.
To support the development of professional sports, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport and the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs developed a temporary protocol for the athletes.
Tamar Kitiashvili, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, held an online meeting with representatives of the private sector in the format of open dialogue - "Vocational Education for Business after Covid-19" organized by the European Business Association. The meeting was dedicated to discussing the needs of businesses in terms of human resources and the steps to be... Read More
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia will start the third stage of registration of first graders from June 2 to June 25.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia has set deadlines for those wishing to overcome the 12th grade in the form of an external exam. Applicants will be able to register for the exam from June 1 to June 5, 2020, and the exams will be held from June 15 to June 24. 
Shalva Gogoladze, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, together with Paata Guraspauli, President of the Basketball Federation, visited the construction of a new, multifunctional sports palace near the Maghlivi university building in Tbilisi.
Nunu Mitskevichi, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia participated in the online award ceremony of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship programs, addressed the attendees, and congratulated 28 new scholars with their victory.
To increase access to vocational education, the construction of a vocational college building in Kaspi Municipality has been completed, and the construction project has recently shifted to equip the building with necessary gear and technical resources. 
Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Nunu Mitskevich participated in a video conference on research and innovation organized by the European Commission.
The Metropolitan of Senaki and Chkhorotsku, the Co-Patriarch Shio, held a prayer service dedicated to the country's Independence Day at St. George's Church Kashveti.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli congratulates every citizen of Georgia, living abroad and living in the occupied territories on the Independence Day of Georgia.
New Technologies Impex, a high-quality specialty prescription facemask medical enterprise in Georgia, is launching the Faceguard product.
To commemorate the Independence Day, the deputy minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Eka Dgebuadze, together with the director of "GlobalCell", George Khetsuriani, and local representatives, visited the villages of Tsitelubani and Khurvaleti and gifted tablets to the local school students.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia expresses its condolences over the passing of Maia Tsitsishvili, a Georgian scientist and Doctor of Arts, Professor of TSU.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia is launching a new training project to restore the mountain-rescue training program. The project sets out to provide a safe working environment for individuals working in mines and quarries and will be implemented on the premises of the Georgian Technical University.
  UNICEF Georgia Representative, Ghassan Khalil sent an open letter to the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, in which she praised reforms enforced by the minister.   
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli congratulated the graduating students on their completion of school, wished them success and expressed hope that the generation with new experiences, new development perspectives and responsibilities will create a special future.
For the first time this year, the registration period for vocational education programs has been extended and you can now register for the desired program from May 20 until August 10 with the remote support of colleges or online on: For admission in 2020, students will be admitted to public and private vocational schools for up to 120 courses.
An online working meeting of Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions Authorized in Georgia was held under the leadership of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli.
As part of the United States-Georgia Strategic Partnership, Fulbright expands its English Language Teaching Assistant (ETA) program, which mainly aims to promote high-quality English language teaching at Georgian universities. The ability to teach English plays an important role in the internationalization of regional higher education institutions.
May 18 marks International Museum Day. Owing to the initiative and support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, a variety of interesting activities are planned online by Georgian museums.
Due to the unforeseen circumstances in the country, LEPL Zakaria Paliashvili Central Music School – “Decade of Talents”, announces an electronic intake of entrance exam applications for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Ekaterine Dgebuadze, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, introduced the activities carried out for the students with special educational needs to the representatives of non-governmental organizations operating in Georgia and discussed future projects with the delegates.
In accordance with the instructions of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli presented an anti-crisis plan regarding all areas of education.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, while presenting the anti-crisis plan in the field of education amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, also discussed the dates for the end of 2019-2020 academic year, which will remain the same.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, while presenting concrete plans for solving general education challenges, focused on student evaluation at the end of the year. According to the Minister, the new model of student evaluation, in conjunction with the process of determining the annual score implies an individual approach to each student, while... Read More
During the presentation, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli emphasized the innovations developed by the Ministry, with regards to successful students in Georgia.
The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli spoke about the national exams.