

Dr. Reinhold R. Graeme – the Chairman of the German Accreditation Council is having a business meeting in Georgia. Dr. Graeme was invited at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia for the Quality Development Center, where the sides discussed the innovative ideas and the new models that are currently implemented in German accreditation system
On the basis of being San Diego State University partner universities – Tbilisi State University and Georgian Technical University had its laboratories renovated and equipped with modern appliances.
Owing to the initiative of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and the European Research Council (ERC), there was a public lecture/presentation by the Vice President – Dr. Mart Saar regarding the science funding opportunities of the ERC: supporting excellent researchers/scientists all over Europe.
A Supervisory Board meeting was held at Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. The Council is composed of the world s outstanding foreign and local scientists and government members. 
The meetings with the Public schools continue. This time, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science – Lia Gigauri met with the teachers and principals of Samtredia district. The meeting was carried out in the usual way, with the form of a dialogue; the teachers presented their issues and important problems. 
With the organization of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, there was a public lecture/ presentation – “Energy in the 21st century” held by the Professor of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Agency – Dr. Roger Cashmore for the physics and mathematics high school students.
Within the framework of the “Knowledge Week ", “Letter to Soldiers” project was implemented. The West III Infantry Brigade Soldiers, sent their response letters to the students of Tkibuli public school N6.
Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili along with the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Tamar Sanikidze, with other members of the government, visited Shota Meskhia Zugdidi State University, where the modular vocational educational programs, infrastructural projects and innovative teaching method presentations were held.
Parliamentary Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee and its leader - Eka Beselia, in cooperation with the Deputy Minister of Education - Lia Gigauri and the representative of the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) in Georgia - Sascha Graumann held a public presentation regarding the pre-school upbringing and education in Samtredia, Imereti region.
In order to develop the entrepreneurial skills, The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in collaboration with the Georgian Chamber of Commerce, developed new textbooks with guidelines for the students and teachers alike.
From then ext academic year in Khidistavi, a well-equipped public school will be opened and more than 400 students will continue their studies in a completely renovated environment.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia announces programs of External format, those who wish to tackle general education. The applicants may register from February 17 to February 25, 2016.
In order to promote vocational education, community college “Mermisi” held a student exhibition at State Folklore Center’s exhibition hall. The exhibition was opened by the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science – Ketevan Natriashvili.
On February 12, 2016 Millennium Challenge Fund, held the final stage of the Millennium Innovation Competition. Ten contestant teams participated in the finals, which consisted of 34 students. 
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia responds to a slanderous article - "alarm bells", which was published by the author - Guram Palavandishvili (LLC real estate firm "Erdo"), who deceptively is trying to discredit the Ministry’s actions and deliberately try to confuse the society. 
Today a national report was presented at the National Assessment and Examination Center for Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). In 2014, 440 school principals and more than 6,000 teachers participated in the study.
School doctors took a course to support and promote a healthy lifestyle for the adolescents and the youth. Today, Deputy Minister of Education and Science - Lia Gigauri, the General Director of the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health - Amiran Gamkrelidze and the head of the UNFPA office - Lela Bakradze handed out the certificates.
The third conference of the Women’s Forum was held at the Assembly, where the women held meetings with the members of the local government, the central government, non-governmental organizations and international organizations. 
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, held a working meeting with the donors and non-governmental organizations in regards to the field of inclusive education. The goal of the meeting was to set strategic directions towards the inclusive education in 2016.
In regards to the 11th anniversary for founding the Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II-s International Charity Foundation, His Holiness Ilia II, met with the Foundation’s Supervisory Board members, its guardians, donors, and the winners of the grant competitions.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University celebrates its 98th anniversary. In this regard, an event was held at the University, which was opened by the university Rector – Dr. Vladimir Papava.
The Minister of Education and Science - Tamar Sanikidze, The Millennium Challenge Corporation Depity Vice President – Fatema Sumari, and the CEO of Millennium Challenge Account in Georgia – Magda Maghradze inspected Gori N5 public school, which is being renovated under the Millennium Challenge Compact.
San Diego State University (SDSU) held a presentation of an early registration project in Georgia. Early registration is available for all the students wishing to study there, need to submit the documents from February 15 to March 15.
The Minister of Education and Science inspected the large-scale renovation works, that was completed in Kutaisi Public School N30, under an ongoing infrastructure projects across Georgia.
New year exhibition was held by the children that needs special educational environments  at  N198 public school,  the exhibition was attended by the first Deputy of Minister of Education and Science of Georgia  Ms Ketevan Natriashvili.
On 28 December of  2015 was held the forth meeting of national council of professional education organised by the Ministry of Science and Education, it was guided by the Deputy of Minister  of  Science and education Ms. Ketevan Natriashvili.
The Ministry of Science and Education of Georgia publishes the list of students, who are living in  villages near to divining occupation line. List of students (bachelors)List of students (masters)  
The Deputy of Minister of Science and Education leaded the forth meeting of sectoring ,coordinating Council of ‘employment, vocational education and training. The council was founded on the base of financial document “Employment and professional education” between Georgian government and European Union.
The budget of Shota Rustaveli national science foundation is increasing by 144%, and will become the 33 million instead of 13 million. This was discussed in the conference named “ Shota Rustaveli fund, its activity analyses and future perspectives”.
The national school of administration presented  the final account of 2015 year and 2016 action plan. They presented the documental film about the school “Way to the success” . The instructors of national language was awarded and certificates  and were given to the fifth stream students of public administration.
Deputy of Minister of Science and Education  Ms.Lia Gigauri with the representatives of Liberty  Bank, visited the N203 deaf  boarding-school. For the children with special educational needs the circus performances were made, children also get presents from Liberty Bank.
After the 8 year pause, the Kokhta rope-way was firstly set in motion. The length of kokhta route way is 3 kilometre and 100 metre. This is the uncial rope-way in Caucasus with the halfway station, that gives opportunity to professional skiers to ski in the upper route and beginner skiers to the lower route.
The Ministry of Science and Education  held a competition of school illustrations, dedicated to the  175th anniversary of Iakob Gogebashvili. The winners were awarded by the Deputy of Minister Ms. Lia Gigauri.
First in the history of Georgian education was held the conference named ‘ Involvement of parents in the school life’. The conference was attended by the parents from the different regions of Georgia, teachers, school heads, experts, psychologs, and various representatives of non-governmental and international organisations.
The Minister of Science and Education  Ms.Tamar Sanikidze awarded the excellent pupils with golden medals. Number of pupils that were given golden medals is 1550, and silver - 950.  480 pupil were awarded in Tbilisi’s scale.
Today in Courtyard Marriott was held the annual summing up of project of the National Centre  for Educational Quality Enhancement. The meeting was opened by the Deputy of Minister Science and Education of Georgia,  Ms. Ketevan Natriashvili. 
The Minister of Science and Education Ms.Tamar Sanikidze and chairman of manganese producing association sighed the mutual cooperating memorandum. 
Minister of Science and Education of Georgia hosted the Children with special educational needs and their teachers. On the meeting  Ms.Tamar Sanikidze presented new materials published for them and talked about the projects which are implemented to assist that category of pupils.
At the beginning of 2016 the new electro- educational service will started. The presentation of  new website was attended by the Minister of Education Ms. Tamar Sanikidze and representatives of international organisations.
Representatives of Italian company CINECA, invited by The National Science library, have arrived in Tbilisi. The creators of information portal met the Deputy Minister Giorgi Sharvashidze.
The Deputy of Minister of Science and Education  Ms.Lia Gigauri met the representatives of CERN. The most important meetings were held with the director of CERN scientific research, and with the heads of international relations departments.
The Minister of Science and Education of Georgia  Ms.Tamar Sanikidze with the members of  ‘Woman Association’ visited the 200th boarding school. In the school are toughing  children who require special educational needs, most of them uses the 24 hour service and  accordingly they are needed special attention and assistance.
Within the working visit in the Switzerland, The Deputy  of Minister of Science and Education  Ms.Lia Gigauri met the heads of Swiss educational departments.
Today, The Minister of Science and Education Tamar Sanikidze and generall director of Shota Rustaveli Natinal Science Foundation, awarded the winners of  innovative project  ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. The exhibition of works were made in the Tbilisi concert hall. The authors of innovative works presented their own inventions.
The orientalist institute with its 7 faculty, at the Tbilisi State University, celebrated the foundation of orientalist institute with the  scientific conference and presentation of  scientific work collection. The meeting was presented by the Minister Tamar Sanikidze, other members of government, TSU academic staff, lectors and students.
Within the campaign of violation and for the popularisation of healthy lifestyle, the Ministry of Science and Education created the competitions ‘Diary competition’ and competition for bloggers  ‘Earth without tobacco’ . The winners received presents by the deputy of Minister of Education Tamar Marsagashvili.
The Minister of Science and Education of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and executive director of Millennium Challenge Corporation  Magda magradze, within the Millennium Challenge Fund compact, visited the public school of Dzegvi.
The Ministry if Science and Education publishes the list of students which are funded within the social program. The bachelors funded by the Georgian Government on  27 August resolution of 2015.      
Open days were held in the professional college of ‘Aisi’ in Kachreti. The college hosted guests as from the local government also from the local and international organisations. 
Tamar Sanikidze responses to the events occurred in Sokhumi state University, where took place the inappropriate actions for the educational environment. Such development of events is unacceptable for the Minister and asks the lectures, students and administrative staff to respect University in order to properly conduct  the educational process.
The conditions of agro sector was discussed on the final meeting of Farmer Association regional tour, in which with other members of government was involved the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze. Farmers get answers to all interested issues from the Government members. 
In order to increase  the popularisation of Georgian army and patriotic aspiration among youth, Ministry of Education and Science with the assistance of Ministry of Defence of Georgia, has launched the competition.
Ongoing projects that are implemented with the assistance of USA Government will continue in future and cooperation will get in a new phase. This and other issues were discussed on the meeting that was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Ms. Tamar Sanikidze and United  States Ambassador to Georgia Ian Kelly. 
The winners of competition in exact sciences and their teachers met the Georgian  scientists, who are working in CERN is Switzerland.
The winner pupils in science competition and their teachers return from Switzerland. They have been acquainted during 3 days  the functioning of huge laboratories in the world, equipped with original IT technology at CERN.
Korneli Kekelidzer Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts  is the winner of Shota Rustaveli  grant competition and is conducting the winter school ‘Georgian Manuscript”. The aim of this school is to promote the scientific-scholarship working of Humanitarian students (masters, doctors) and young scientists in these brunches which corresponds the main educational directions... Read More
In the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia was held the meeting of ‘Council of employment, vocational education’, which was leaded by the Deputy of Minister Ms. Ketevan Natriashvili.
The Minister of Education and Science Ms. Tamar Sanikidze visited the Ivane Javakhishvilli Tbilisi State University. Minister saw the renewed laboratories and teaching and lecture- rooms under the program of San Diego State University.
Deputy of Minister Education and Science Ms. Ketevan Natriashvili attended the joint training of European Council and European Commission, within the scale of ‘Teaching human rights and promoting democratic citizenship in Eastern Partnership countries”.
One of the priority for the Ministry Of Education and Science of Georgia is the availability of uninterrupted and qualified education for the ethnical minorities and preservation of their  language  and cultural identity.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia holds International Conference “National Training Plan Development and Implementation“ by support of  UNICEF and by participation of INNOVE on December 8-9, in 2015.
The event was organised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Georgia, Swiss Cooperation Office in the South Caucasus, Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
Tbilisi Concert Hall hosted the conclusive evening of the project “Film in Schools” today. Winner of 10 best film schools were awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science, Minister Tamar sanikidze and Minister of Culture and Monument protection of Georgia Mikheil giorgadze.
Members of the Georgian government and relevant departments discussed about existing condition in the dining rooms in schools and kindergartens. The meeting was attended by Minister Tamar Sanikidza, Otar Danelia, Davit Sergeenko, Nodar Javakhishvili, Tbilisi Mayor David Narmania and the government administration of Georgia representative Giorgi Amashukeli.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar sanikidze, the Georgian Defense Minister Tina khidasheli and Rustavi majoritarian MP Zviad dzidziguri attended the transient bowl final match in Rustavi 7 school, which was dedicated the memory of hero fallen in August war Vakhtang Gzirishvili.
Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Millennium Challenge Georgia Fund "vocational education for economic development" project within the framework of professional educational institution of the Millennium competition presentation was held.
Disabled Persons International Day of the Ministry of Education and Science Tamar Sanikidze topic: I and my school disability and special educational needs of children and their peers presentations was introduced, where the children of their vision presented and their questions to the Minister Answers heard.
Within "Inclusive access" program, four public school students with special needs will serve adapted transport. The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and Davit Narmania said about it in N87 school.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Minister Tamar Sanikidze Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University two-day international conference,, innovation in teaching and learning: the next phase of the Bologna process ' opened. Participants will be greeted by rector Lado Papava of the Tbilisi State University.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Tariel Khechikashvili paid a visit to a completely renovated gym at Public School No 18.
Memorandum of Cooperation was signed at the Environmental Information and Education Centre between the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and Eco Vision – the Union for Sustainable Development.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Minister Tamar Sanikidze 36 Interns who have passed the certificates of internships in the Ministry gives certificate and wish career advancements and success.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Minister Tamar Sanikidze and Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Tariel Khechikashvili visited a completely renovated gym in 18 public school today.
In State Folklore Center Exhibition Hall opened exhibition for "Georgian ethnographic clothing" created by vocational students. The event were attended by the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Ketevan Natriashvili and invited guests. 
The Ministry of Education and Science within public finance management reform is working closely with the Ministry of Finance Harmonization Centre. The ongoing reform and  EU support within „public financial management and policy reform "project the Ministry is one of the first who begins to pilot the effectiveness of the audit.
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Ministry of National Education Development Center in Kobuleti holds large-scale three-day conference. The issue for the conference is “quality of higher education Development System - Challenges and Perspectives ".
November 27, Gori State University 80th anniversary celebration was held, by many honorable guests the Ministry of Education and Science Tamar Sanikidze attended.
In Environmental Information and Education Centre the Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between  of the Ministry of Education and Science, Environment and Natural Resources Ministry and the "Union for sustainable development ekovizhens".
,,Week of Science and Innovation" was held first in Georgia and in the region of Caucasia, During the november 10-17 of 2015. Confines of the week,was held international wide central and more than 100 parallel events. In implement of the project were taking part students from different high educational institutions.
In Georgia during working visit, were executive director of International Technic and Science Center David Clive and board of directors. The main aim of their visit was the consolidation of relationship with the government department and scientific society
In The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia was held stated meeting with the working students group of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister, Giorgi Sharvashidze and representatives from Tbilisi State University.
Stated meeting with the High Educational institutions top management, was opened by the deputy minister of the Education and Science of Georgia Ketevan Natriashvili. In the meeting were taking part state and private universities chancellors and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation’s employed, besides invited guests.
Ilia State University Rector Giga Zedania signed a Memorandum of Understanding between 40 general educational institution. The event was attended by the minister deputy Giorgi Sharvashidze.
On November 9-11, the Ministry of Education and Science of the National Curriculum Department experts, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Research Foundation headed by Lia Gigauri visited to.
School society meeting, are in constant mode. At this time, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Lia Gigauri, representatives from teacher Professional Development Center and Educational Infrastructure Development Agency and teachers and directors  from Kvareli district met at the Ilia museum.
The Ministry of Education and Science Tamar Sanikidze working visit to Hungary, the Hungarian Education Minister Palkovich Laszlos met. The meeting was also attended by Director of the Center for International Education Nino Chelidze and Georgian Ambassador in Hungary Zaza Kandelaki.
Millennium Challenge Account - Georgia and the United Nations Women s Organization held a joint event on the strengthening of women s rights principles - Gender equality and businesses: educational institutions and employers to collaborate.
Successful learning in Akhalkalaki, the region of Samckhe-Javakheti public schools 84 tenth graders students were given personal computers by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Samckhe-Javakheti governor handed.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Deputy Lia Gigauri opened Educational Technology Conference, which aims to study the process of ICT use of best practices and experience to teachers, experts, universities and representatives of educational technology-based organizations, as well as in the field of innovation stakeholders informed.
„Within the week of "Science and innovation", on November 17, another important event took place in the Samtskhe Javakheti - the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze for Samtskhe-Javakheti State University and teachers students in Akhalkalaki opened the hotel type  renovated dormitory.
San Diego State University Advisory Board meeting was held, attended by US Ambassador to Georgia Ian Kelly, the Ministry of Education and Science Minister deputy George Sharvashidze, MCC head of Georgia s Kateri Clement, MCG CEO Magda Magradze and San Diego State University dean Ken Walsh attended.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Minister  continues introducing the infrastructure projects. Tamar  Sanikidze with Governor of Guria region visited Ozurgeti villages schools at this time.
Within the framework of the „International Week of  Science and Innovations“, on November 17, another important event was held on at the National Scientific Library, where Project Manager of the Slovak Scientific-Technical Information Center Julius Kraviari spoke about the Slovakian experience of the program “Antiplag”. 
“International Week of Science and Innovations” initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia ended with unique exhibition. Georgian National Museum and Association of Alexander Kartveli, presented an exhibition at Simon Janashia Museum of Georgia dedicated to the greatest aircraft designer Alexander Kartveli.
Within the framework of „International Week of Science and Innovations”,  an international conference was held titled as " Lithuania and Georgia from retrospective of a 520 year". The conference was dedicated to the several centuries long  friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze signed a book of condolence opened in Tbilisi City Council for victims of the Paris terror attacks.
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Giorgi Sharvashidze met with Vice-Minister of Education and Science of Lithuania Genoveita Krasauskiene and The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Georgia Giedrius Puodziunas.
Rewarding the excellent pupils continues. The excellent pupils of Guria region public schools were presented with personal computers By the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze.
In the framework of „International Week of Science and Innovations”, univeiling of the scientific cafe took place at Tbilisi History Musem (Karvasla) of the I.Grishashvili National Museum of Georgia.
In the framework of „International Week of  Science and Innovations “ initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia,  presentation of the internship program “Start a Career” was held  at Tbilisi City hall.