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Within the framework of the forum, the representatives of the construction sector got acquainted with topical, qualification programs based on international standards and discussed new possibilities. The attention was paid on topics such as: construction safety, energy efficiency, modern architecture and design.

International Education Conference "Internationalization of Higher Education and International Rating Systems" is being held in order to maximally engage foreign citizens in Georgian educational space.
The VIII International Scientific Conference on topic “Language Situation in the Caucasus” is held on September 27-29, at St. Andrew the First Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia within the framework of “Festival of Science and Innovation 2017”. The program of the conference is diverse.

The National Curriculum Department of the Ministry of Education and Science continues the cycle of meetings with seniors in order to introduce a new National Curriculum.


Within the framework of "International Festival of Science and Innovation" the exhibition "Not Lost" was opened at the National Scientific Library of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. The event is dedicated to 25th anniversary of Georgia-Germany diplomatic relations.


By organization of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement and Millennium Challenge Account the conference “Renewed Standards for Accreditation and Higher Education Internationalization” was held.

The International Festival of Science and Innovation has been opened in Rike Park today. The festival will last from September 24 to October 8 and will offer up to 150 events for all viewers - lectures, seminars, conferences and scientific picnics throughout Georgia.
On September 22, the Deputy Minister of Education, Teimuraz Murgulia, and Ambassador of America to Georgia His Majesty Ian Kelly and the Head of Georgian Representative Office of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Jener Edelman, opened the ceremony. 

By organization of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and with support of EU Project “Technical Assistance to VET and Employment Reforms” an information seminar of social partners was held. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen possibilities of social partners in the process of elaboration and implementation of vocational education policy.


Training of trainers in the National Center for Teacher Professional Development is being held in cooperation with Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The training of trainers is held by foreign experts from Germany. Training materials have been developed by the Chamber of Commerce of Bavaria and successfully implemented in different countries.

At the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, the annual International Conference “Humboldt-Kolleg” of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was opened, which will gather holders of fellowship of the Humboldt Foundation and laureates of the Humboldt Research Prize from 12 countries within three days. Georgia is hosting the conference in connection to the 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Georgia and Germany and the year 2017 as year of Germany-Georgia. The theme of the conference is “places of German-Georgian meeting in literature and culture of XX century “. The organizer of the conference is the president of Alexander von Humboldt Club of Georgia, Professor Aleksandre Kartozia.

Within the framework of the Georgian-Estonian project, trainings supporting the implementation of a new National Curriculum were introduced for the staff of 15 pilot schools by Estonian experts. The school principals and deputies, as those who are responsible for study quality management, were informed about changes performed in the new National Curriculum.

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Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine announces the contest “The World of Science in the Eyes of the Child” within the framework of the International Festival of Science and Innovations in 2017, which will be supported by the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.

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