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A new partnership project was formed between Kobuleti Community College “Akhali Talgha" and the Estonian Vocational Education and Training institution - “Valga", which entails a continous cooperation in the logistics industry, and the preparation of a highly qualified personnel in heavy and large-scale domestic and international freight transportation.

During the visit to Adjara region, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Tamar Sanikidze visited several educational institutions. Amongst them was the Shota Rustaveli State University, where the Minister inspected the newly renovated technological faculty building, recently created university test center, and the industry related innovation laboratory – Publab, where students design their own products.

During the visit of Adjara region, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Tamar Sanikidze, together with the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports of Adjara A/R – Mr. George Tavamaishvili inspected a newly constructed public school in Salibauri - Khelvachauri municipality and met with the school teachers.
Within the vocational education reform framework, Kobuleti vocational college “Akhali Talgha” is undergoing a major renovation and refurbishment process. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Tamar Sanikidze, together the Minister of Culture and Sport of Adjara A /R – Mr. George Tavamaishvili got acquainted with the whole process.

College "Spektri" has been successfully cooperating with the private company - "Elita Burji" for three years now. The company’s is mainly focused on construction and manufacturing materials for the construction industry. Additionally, the company is equipped with modern equipment, and is one of the largest companies not only in Georgia but in the region of Caucasus.

Today, a conference was held, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in partnership with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). The conference "New perspectives for vocational education in tourism" was opened by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Tamar Sanikidze. 
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia – Ms. Ketevan Natriashvili attended the testing process of the vocational education applicants with special educational needs at the EMIS (Education Management Information System) educational institution. She also got acquainted with the learning process of the facility, and met with the students in person.

Since 9am -April 23, applicants of vocational education are being registered throughout the examination centers in Georgia. Upon a successful test completion, any person no matter the age of can have a full state-funded course of their preference (in the fields of tourism, construction, agrixulture, transport, information technology, and etc.) in a government established educational institution. In case of demand, there will be evening courses.

On 23-24 of April, professors visiting from the San Diego State University (SDSU) will perform a two-day seminar - STEM Academy, for the university entrants. Today, STEM Academy was announced to open, and the participants of the seminar were addressed with a speech by the Ministrer of Education and Science of Georgia –Ms. Tamar Sanikidze, the executive director of Millennium Challenge Account – Ms. Magda Magradze and the Dean of San Diego State University – Dr. Ken Walsh.

Throughout the recent years, a solid cooperation has formed between The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in terms of vocational education development. GIZ is one of the supporters of the reform and encourages the strategical deveopment and its effective implementation.
Within the borders of  “Vocational Education for Economic Development" project, organized by the Millenium Challenge Account (MCA) Georgia, the winners of competition in terms of implementing the best practices in the vocational education industry were announced. Within the first phase, seven projects were funded, which amounted to a total of 70,000 US dollars.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia announces creative competitions for students in public and private schools: 1. " A step towards support" is a competition based on slogans, concepts and school performances (i.e flash mobs), in which the students have to express their views on violence and bullying at school, in conjunction with presenting their vision to solving such problems.

Owing to the Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts of Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, in partnership with Tbilisi Spiritual Seminary and Academy, a conference –“ Catholicos-Patriach Kalistrate – 150”  was held regarding the 150th anniversary of  Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia – Kalistrate Tsintsadze.

Refugees and asylum-seeking foreign students, who, unwillingly were forced to leave their homeland on account of war, are now studying at Public School № 81. These students are involved in the program - “Georgian language learning program for refugees, asylum-seekers and persons with humanitarian protection status”, initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, under which, the students will have the opportunity to learn and gain sufficient knowledge (writing, reading, listening, speaking), allowing them to continue their future education in any given general educational institution in Georgia.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has launched a reform concerning a pedagogical education. The reform itself is divided into medium and long term stages. Under the medium-term stage, the personnel will undergo a training with the help of the most modern and updated methods and practices. Furthermore, a one-year university training and educational program (60 credits) is bound to be launched from Septermber, 2016.

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