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On February 3, during his visit to #189 Public School, President Mikhail Saakashvili decided to return the original name “the First Experimental School” to the school. The teachers and student s were very pleased with the President’s decision.
President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili presented the Alumni Club project at the First Experimental School.
Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkini paid a visit to Free University to get familiar with a project “Learn Today - Teach Tomorrow”. The Minister visited a library and laboratories of the University
The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened public school №3 in Borjomi that was refurbished in compliance with the modern standards. The school hosts around 720 students. The President of Georgia was shown paintings and essays created by the students under the project
The Georgian Prosecutor’s office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia launched a joint campaign to prevent the juvenile crime. Within the scope of this campaign, Georgian Prosecutor Murtaz Zodelava and the Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkini
In order to increase the quality of education for the children with special needs, the Ministry of Education and Science has launched a voluntary registration process for these children from the age of 5- 17.
Till the end of 2010, 75% of Georgian public schools will be connected to internet. The Ministry of Education and Science undertakes the process of connecting schools to the World Wide Web,
Minister Dimitri Shashkini met with the representatives and experts of the National Curriculum and Assessment Center to discuss setting up new standards for school textbooks approval.
Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkini, Minister of Culture, Monument Protection and Sports Nikoloz Rurua, Head of Sports and Youth Department David Namgalauri, as well as representatives of the sport federations held a working meeting on introduction of sport classes at public schools.
The “Alumni” program is being launched and developed within the framework of a second stage of the education reform in Georgia.  The program has been successful in Western European countries and


First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Akaki Seperteladze together with the President Representative Lasha Makatsaria opened a newly refurbished  Public School #1in Tskaltubo Region, village of Maghlaki.
Teachers from abroad are to arrive to Georgia with an aim to strengthen teaching of foreign languages in the country.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Dimitri Shashkini arranged a two-day seminar for journalists in Bazaleti Touristic Complex. The main goal of the seminar was to introduce new inititiaves in general education for 2010-2011.
Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkini delivered personal computers to three high school students under 12 who won the Literature and Arts Contest on Olympic theme.
In 2010, 5 million GEL will be allocated from the state budget to finance 103 scientific projects within the framework of the State Science Grant competition and 31 projects within the framework of the Presidential Grants competition for Young Scholars.

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