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The Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Defense implement joint projects to promote Georgian forces and increase the patriotic spirit. The preparation works about the issue are already done. 

Competition - WorldSkills Georgia winner students of professional colleges, will participate in Brazil, in the International Vocational Skills Competition in August. Before leaving for Sao Paulo, the last encouragement meeting was held with the Minister of Education and Science Tamar Sanikidze.

Environmental education will be added as a new component in pre-school program. The issue was discussed in “Tiflis Palace” hotel today.  The meeting was opened, by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Lia Gigauri, Environment and Natural Resources Minister Gigla Agulashvili and Deputy Minister Teimuraz Murghulia.

The students of the higher education institutions have the opportunity twice a year to enjoy mobility and the exchange program of higher education institutions. To do this, the student must register on the online e-portal - www.students.eqe.ge.

Summer schools are conducted by the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. Within the program “Multicultural summer school for ethnic minorities, 2 activities will be provided: “Multicultural summer school for teachers” and “Multicultural summer school for students”. The sumer school is conducted in 2 groups.
Ketevan Natriashvili visited the United States, where she head a speech in the conference organized by Millennium Challenge Corporation. The conference discussed about the necessary strategy to improve the quality and increase the availability of the girl’s general education. 
Lia Gigauri-Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science, Giorgi Machabeli-Director and Irine  Abuladze-Deputy Director, National Center for Teacher Professional Development held a meeting with partner international organizations. The issues of collaborative perspectives in the process of “Teacher Induction, Professional Development and Career Advancement Scheme” implementation was raised at the meeting.

There was an event in the Ivane Javakhisvhili Tbilisi State University to celebrate international accreditation for the MA program in ”Public Administration”. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze, the rector of Tibili State University, academician Vladimer Papava, the Minister of Finances Nodar Khaduri, the representatives of state agencies, international organizations, embassies and other universities, the academic and administration personnel of TSU and students of TSU attended the event.

Spots Palace held the competition under the auspices of the Youth Olympic Festival, which was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Tariel Khechikashvili. Tariel Khechikashvili and Tamar Sanikidze awarded the Festival winner gymnasts.


First time in Georgia, vocational education for deaf people is provided on sign language with the sign language translator. Today, in the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the specialists have summed up the works conducted for the development of academic sign language. At the same time, there was a presentation of the website SignWiki.
A 2015 bachelor’s graduation ceremony has been held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Around 3000 students degreed bachelor’s department at STU in 2014-2015. Among them there are graduates of Philosophy and Educational Sciences Faculty which was founded in 2014. The faculty has celebrated its first graduation this year.
Started by the initiative of Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia “English language Summer School in Georgia” program has been successfully running for already seven years. The participants of the program are successful students of 9, 10 and 11 forms who were chosen according to the results of the third tour of the National Learning Olympics and winners of different competitions held by the ministry.
A meeting was held at Radisson hotel where the issue of “promotion of an employment of people with disabilities in cooperation with interested counterparts”. The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Social Service Agency. The first deputy minister Ketevan Natriashvili, representatives of economic sector, nongovernmental organizations and employers participated in the meeting.
A minister of education and science Tamar Sanikidze continues studying of infrastructure projects. This time the minister visited a school at Baileti village (Ozurgeti)  - she met teachers and pupils and examined the process of rehabilitation of the school.
By the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Social Affairs of Georgia, in dedication of 175 years jubilee of Akaki Tsereteli contests were held with slogan “Akaki in Modern Reality”. An exhibition of art-works and the winners’ award ceremony has been held todaythe activities were attended by the minister of education and science Tamar Sanikidze and the minister of culture and monument protection Mikheil Giorgadze.

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